IJCS: International Journal of Community Service https://ejournal.ipinternasional.com/index.php/ijcs <p>International Journal of Community Service (IJCS) <a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2961-7162" target="_blank" rel="noopener">E-ISSN.2961-7162</a> is a journal published by the Inovasi Pratama Internasional. Ltd,. International Journal of Community Service (IJCS) accommodates the publication of the results of Community Service activities carried out by lecturers and community service practitioners as a manifestation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, Focus &amp; Scope: Art &amp; Humanities, Social, and Science. International Journal of Community Service (IJCS) is an electronic journal that is professionally managed using the Open Journal System, published 2 times a year, in June and December.</p> PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional en-US IJCS: International Journal of Community Service 2961-7162 Nutrition Counseling for Pregnant Women, Rimba Soping Village, Padangsidimpuan Angkola Julu District in 2022 https://ejournal.ipinternasional.com/index.php/ijcs/article/view/377 <p>Indonesia currently still has complex health problems. The degree of public health in Indonesia has not progressed significantly, even though there have been many programs to improve public health status that have been rolled out by the government. The degree of health is largely determined by the health of mothers and children, there are many factors that cause maternal and infant mortality, one of which is poor nutrition during pregnancy which causes complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Community service activities are carried out in residents' homes . Counseling was carried out for 1 (one) day, namely on April 17 2022, at 10.00 WIB until it was finished in Rimba Soping Village, Padangsidimpuan District, Angkola Julu . The material was delivered by providing counseling about the nutrition of pregnant women , then followed by providing snacks with the involvement of 4 DIII Midwifery study program students, Aufa Royhan Padangsidimpuan. Activity counseling which was carried out ran smoothly and was received enthusiastically by the participants as seen from the many pregnant women who asked about information about the nutrition of pregnant women and the participants also understood what should be consumed during pregnancy and the restrictions.</p> Rya Anastasya Siregar Novita Sari Batu Bara Khoirunnisa Rangkuti Copyright (c) 2023 Rya Anastasya Siregar, Novita Sari Batu Bara, Khoirunnisa Rangkuti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-04-12 2023-04-12 2 1 1 7 10.55299/ijcs.v2i1.377 Young Youth Stay Away from Drugs and the Dangers of Underage Marriage https://ejournal.ipinternasional.com/index.php/ijcs/article/view/339 <p>Catin who married in Sosopan Village, Kec. Kab. Padang Lawas has increased every year. failure &nbsp;For take continuing education because parents' economic gap is one of the causes of adolescents making the decision to marry even though they are not ready or mature psychologically, mentally and emotionally. Through this socialization activity " Young Youth Stay Away from Drugs and the Dangers of Underage Marriage " it is hoped that students (youth) can continue their education at Public/Private Universities, outside/within the Province and outside/within City Regencies such as STAI Barumun Raya Sibuhuan and take advantage of the time by carrying out productive activities such as participating in activities organized by the village administration.</p> Silfa Hafizah Pulungan Copyright (c) 2023 Silfa Hafizah Pulungan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-06-12 2023-06-12 2 1 8 14 10.55299/ijcs.v2i1.339 Study of the Cirebon Wayang Wong Performance Arts in Educational Value https://ejournal.ipinternasional.com/index.php/ijcs/article/view/299 <p>Wayang is a traditional art and an important cultural heritage. In addition to being recognized as a Javanese cultural heritage by UNESCO, wayang is a beautiful and significant Indonesian cultural heritage. Educational values in wayang wong in Cirebon society have been almost extinct. As a sense of pride as the Indonesian nation that will pass on cultural values as an embodiment of local wisdom (local wisdom), which can be used as a cultural inheritance repertoire for wayang wong in the future. The study and performance of values as a means of revitalizing the current generation through preservation and local knowledge to preserve noble values. Qualitative research (Qualitative research) is an investigation designed to describe and analyze individuals or groups. Several descriptions are employed to discover underlying principles and explanations that lead to conclusions. Therefore, students in the value of education through wayang Cirebon performing arts must apply values to education that apply to daily life.</p> Taiman Dadang Sunendar Sumiyadi Tedi Permadi Fiki Setiawan Copyright (c) 2023 Taiman, Dadang Sunendar, Sumiyadi, Tedi Permadi, Fiki Setiawan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-06-12 2023-06-12 2 1 15 23 10.55299/ijcs.v2i1.299 Counseling About Providing Preparation Education for Menopause at Dusun Seno, Padang Cermin Village, Selesai District, Langkat Regency https://ejournal.ipinternasional.com/index.php/ijcs/article/view/435 <p>Menopause occurs at an average age of 51 years. These symptoms appear since the premenopausal period. Premenopause, namely the age group between 48-55 years followed by symptoms that often arise three to ten years before the arrival of menopause with various complaints, both physical and psychological complaints. This study aims to identify knowledge, attitudes and the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of premenopausal mothers in dealing with changes during menopause in Seno Village, Padang Cermin Village, Prestasi District, Langkat District. Number of women aged continued in 2025 on the Asian continent will increase from 107 million people to 373 million people<strong>. </strong>Premenopausal symptoms include 40% hot flashes, 38% difficulty sleeping, 37% get tired faster at work, 35% more often forget, 33% irritable, 26% joint pain and 21% frequent headaches excessive. The purpose of community service is to provide education about signs and symptom, stages menopause And management as preparation in a manner early face menopause<strong>. </strong>In family when a Mother Healthy, in meaning &nbsp;can minimize symptom menopause with knowledge Which has accepted on education preparation face menopause so activity family will walk with Good. <strong>Method: </strong>Education preparation face menopause use method lecture And discussion with media powerpoint. <strong>Results: </strong>The community service participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the activity, and the discussion was ongoing well and smoothly. <strong>Conclusion </strong>: Preparatory education dealing with menopause has been done, the participants were very enthusiastic about the activity, there were several questions submitted by the participants. Providing education as a form of <em>transfer of knowledge </em>is expected to be carried out routinely to the woman he hopes for after participating in this activity complaints during menopause can reduce and quality of life will be felt on Woman itself.</p> Seri Wahyuni Harahap Sri Rezeki Kiki Khoiriyani Erin Padilla Siregar Copyright (c) 2023 Seri Wahyuni Harahap, Sri Rezeki, Kiki Khoiriyani, Erin Padilla Siregar https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-06-21 2023-06-21 2 1 24 29 10.55299/ijcs.v2i1.435 Giving MP-ASI too early to babies in Pagaran Tonga Village, Panyabungan District, Mandailing Natal Regency in 2023 https://ejournal.ipinternasional.com/index.php/ijcs/article/view/414 <p>Early complementary foods (MP-ASI) are additional foods given to infants at the age of less than 6 months in addition to breast milk. Child health organizations in America recommend complementary feeding (MP-ASI) at the age of 6 months for babies who get exclusive breastfeeding, and at the age of 4-6 months for babies who get formula milk. Community service activities are carried out at the village office. The counseling will be held for 1 (one) day, namely on January 26, 2023, at 10.00 WIB until it is completed in Pagaran Tonga Village, Panyabungan District, Mandailing Natal Regency. The material was delivered by providing counseling on Giving MP-ASI Too Early to Infants, then continued with the provision of snacks with the involvement of 5 students of the Midwifery DIII study program, Madina Husada. &nbsp;The final result that can be seen from this activity is that most participants understand about giving MP-ASI to babies. Participants also follow the committee's direction. Counseling activities on giving MP-ASI too early to infants in Pagaran Tonga Village, Panyabungan District, have been successfully carried out.</p> Helmi Wardah Nasution Ferika Desi Khoirunnisaa Batubara Dewi Sri Rahayu Tinendung Copyright (c) 2023 Helmi Wardah Nasution, Ferika Desi, Khoirunnisaa Batubara, Dewi Sri Rahayu Tinendung https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 2 1 40 47 10.55299/ijcs.v2i1.414 Socialization of Building Business Organizational Culture Towards Sustainability in Culinary Business in Sukakarya District, Sabang City https://ejournal.ipinternasional.com/index.php/ijcs/article/view/418 <p>This Community Service should be able to contribute to culinary business Aguan Peanut Cake actors in the Sukakarya sub-district, Sabang City. A strong culture and good management of Human Resources are tools to compete with competitors in an organization. The result of a strong culture is that the culture will promote consistent behavior that can create organizational effectiveness that is influenced by employee performance. But if the culture is not good, then the goal will go in the wrong direction. There are 4 factors in the development of Organizational Culture, namely a culture of discipline, honesty and responsibility, a creative work culture, an environmentally friendly work culture and a work culture that is aware of local values. Changes in the organizational culture need to be disseminated to all employees so that it becomes a daily work behavior, so that the organizational culture becomes a collective awareness that can benefit all parties. However, it is not easy to create a new habit, it needs simultaneous and continuous encouragement and effort so that the organizational culture becomes a positive habit.</p> Atika Aini Nasution Baginda Harahap Raflis Roy Nuary Singarimbun Neni Sri Wahyuni Selvi Aristantya Copyright (c) 2023 Atika Aini Nasution, Baginda Harahap, Raflis, Roy Nuary Singarimbun, Neni Sri Wahyuni, Selvi Aristantya https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 2 1 48 56 10.55299/ijcs.v2i1.418 Implementation of Batik Dyeing Tools to Increase the Productivity of the Coloring Process in Batik SMEs https://ejournal.ipinternasional.com/index.php/ijcs/article/view/395 <p>Batik as a work of cultural art in Indonesia is a work that is also attractive for tourist cities such as Malang City. Batik SMEs in Malang City develop batik typical of the region while maintaining traditional manufacturing methods. UKM Batik Tulis Poesaka Djagad, located in Blimbing Village, Balearjosari Subdistrict, Malang City, is a Batik UKM that is productive in making batik typical of Malang. In the process of strengthening batik colors, it takes a long time for the color strengthening solution to be absorbed perfectly so that it is less effective. The purpose of this community service activity is to apply a color reinforcement tool to UKM Batik Tulis Poesaka Djagad in the hope of speeding up the coloring process so as to increase the productivity of written batik. The stages of this activity include preparation and planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The implementation of training activities on the use of batik coloring process tools involved the owner, the SME batik craftsmen themselves and several other SME batik craftsmen. The results of the application of the coloring process tool can increase the productivity of batik cloth output, especially at the batik coloring process stage and coloring results with better quality.</p> Chauliah Fatma Putri Aviv Yuniar Rahman Copyright (c) 2023 Chauliah Fatma Putri, Aviv Yuniar Rahman https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 2 1 57 65 10.55299/ijcs.v2i1.395 Cultivating Change: A Community-driven Approach to Organic Waste in Padukuhan Nglebeng https://ejournal.ipinternasional.com/index.php/ijcs/article/view/429 <p>Household waste is the main contributor to organic waste. Improper management of organic waste can have negative environmental consequences. In Padukuhan Nglebeng, the lack of knowledge among the community, especially housewives, about the dangers and benefits of household waste has led to the accumulation of unprocessed waste in disposal sites. To address this issue, an outreach program was conducted, focusing on enhancing the community's understanding and awareness of the environmental impact of organic waste. The program included four stages: observation, socialization, practical application, and evaluation. Initially, the participants had limited knowledge about organic waste, scoring an average of 63% in the "insufficient" category. However, after the socialization session, their knowledge significantly improved, particularly regarding the dangers and benefits of organic waste, composting, and the composting process. Among the participants, 56% showed interest in implementing the acquired knowledge, while 44% still had concerns related to complexity and aversion. The socialization activities were successful overall. It is recommended to replicate this composting method in different locations to achieve the "Bantul Zero Waste 2025" initiative.</p> Andika Yusa Putra Widyatama Boby Prayoga Kiki Sarnita Lula Annisa Maiken Des Riu Nur Faidzin Raka Juniar Renaldy Sindy Talabu Karyaman Tuyamaku Buulolo Tiaranty Esperansa Situmorang Copyright (c) 2023 Andika, Yusa Putra Widyatama, Boby Prayoga, Kiki Sarnita, Lula Annisa, Maiken Des Riu, Nur Faidzin, Raka Juniar Renaldy, Sindy, Talabu Karyaman Tuyamaku Buulolo, Tiaranty Esperansa Situmorang https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 2 1 66 74 10.55299/ijcs.v2i1.429 Early Initiation of Breastfeeding for The Pregnant Women https://ejournal.ipinternasional.com/index.php/ijcs/article/view/442 <p>Breast milk is the gold standard of baby food for children, because it will be the first step in fulfilling children’s right. There are many benefits of breastfeeding for babies in carrying out Early Initiation of Breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding for mothers and children. One of the benefits is to increase the bond between mother and her child, to increase the baby's immunity, to reduce the incidence of infection in infants, to increase optimal child growth and development, to increase children's intelligence and it is also as a natural contraceptive for mothers. Some research results state that breast milk is also useful in preventing various diseases such as cancer in children, heart disease, and diabetes mellitus. In the current developments of maternal and child health, the program of Management of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding, Exclusive Breast Milk and Lactation Management are increasingly being encouraged. These three programs are related to one another. Breast milk is generally the gold standard of baby food for children, because it will be the first step in fulfilling children's rights.</p> Maimunah. R Maya Sari Nopita Yanti Br Sitorus Copyright (c) 2023 Maimunah. R, Maya Sari, Nopita Yanti Br Sitorus https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 2 1 75 82 10.55299/ijcs.v2i1.442 Improving Nursing Students’ Speaking Skill through TikTok Application https://ejournal.ipinternasional.com/index.php/ijcs/article/view/449 <p>Tik Tok application is attached and close to school-age students. It is suspected that the Tik Tok application is an interactive matter for students. Based on these indications, it can be concluded that the Tik Tok application meets the criteria of a good learning media, which is interesting and close to students, especially in English language learning. Therefore, it is necessary to have new variations in the application of interactive and effective learning media in order to influence student learning motivation in improving speaking skill. This community service event aimed to improve nursing students speaking skill through TikTok Application. This community service event was carried out by collecting descriptive and qualitative data which are then analyzed and processed to produce solutions to problems faced by the partners. The result of this event showed that 76% of the participants were motivated to perform English speaking skill through TikTok application.</p> Susiana Kaban Vitri Rokhima Copyright (c) 2023 Susiana Kaban, Vitri Rokhima https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 2 1 83 91 10.55299/ijcs.v2i1.449 Introduction to AUD Letters and Strengthening the Community's Sense of Nationalism https://ejournal.ipinternasional.com/index.php/ijcs/article/view/520 <p>The low nationalism in young generations can just happen because of various factors. They No longer live and experience the consequences of colonialism and poverty. They will not again experience treatment discrimination from other nations. Apart from that, the Globalization Trend is making the world a big village, and we can just grow indifference to nationalism as an Indonesian nation. The amount of corruption and examples that are not Good from leaders naturally also affects attitudes toward nationalism among young people. Method which is used in implementation activity This is method Watch Together (Nobar) together with public target (children, teenagers, and children ages early) For growing concern and flavor nationalism in society. Target strategic in activity: this is child teenager as well as child-cchild age early, which is in the village of Cape Siran Subdistrict Ulu Barumun Regency Padang Old as target direct. Activity devotion to the public with the theme "Introduction Script AUD and Strengthen Flavor Nationalism Public" will be held on May 18, 2023, from 10 a.m. to the finished activity, followed by people (Attendance list attached). kindly general activity devotion to the public This Also held with the use of the method of watching together.</p> Erwin Hamonangan Pane Nur Hakima Akhirani Nasution Copyright (c) 2023 Erwin Hamonangan Pane, Nur Hakima Akhirani Nasution https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 2 1 92 96 10.55299/ijcs.v2i1.520 Bungo Krinok Music from Local to Global https://ejournal.ipinternasional.com/index.php/ijcs/article/view/701 <p>Bungo Krinok music is the result of research funded by LPDP for two years (2020 - 2023) in the form of a prototype of a new form of engineered music antithesis to the traditional krinok singing genre of the people of Bungo Regency, Jambi Province. The singing of krinok is accompanied by violin or the supporting community calls piul.&nbsp; The structure of the permanent krinok music composition is used as the main basis and the static framework in music engineering / creation becomes the form (genre) of music composition "Bungo Krinok". Creative and innovative efforts are carried out based on Research and Development methods (Research &amp;; Development = R &amp; D). The creative actions carried out are within the framework of engineering that does not eliminate or coerce certain treatments, thus potentially eliminating or defeating the essential of traditional krinok music itself. His research findings are in the form of a prototype form of Bungo Krinok Music which is implemented in three music models based on the ensemble format, namely the model: Children; Youth, and; Adult. This Bungo Krinok music genre based on local aesthetics is the first step towards the global artistic scene.</p> Mahdi Bahar Hartati M Indra Gunawan Fatonah Uswan Hasan Zulkarnain Copyright (c) 2023 Mahdi Bahar, Hartati M, Indra Gunawan, Fatonah, Uswan Hasan, Zulkarnain https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 2 1 97 111 10.55299/ijcs.v2i1.701 Women's Empowerment Based on Digital Financial Skills https://ejournal.ipinternasional.com/index.php/ijcs/article/view/810 <p>Achieving gender equality and economic independence. These programs aim to increase women's access to financial services, promote entrepreneurship, and facilitate economic participation through the use of digital technology. By providing training in personal financial management, e-commerce, and online banking applications, women can overcome traditional barriers such as limited access and cultural norms that limit their financial inclusion. This research explores the transformational potential of these empowerment programs, highlighting the importance of cross-sector collaboration and supporting policies to achieve the full potential of women's empowerment through digital financial skills.</p> Rafidah Elyanti Rosmanidar Efni Anita Agustina Mutia Dedek Kusnadi Nurlia Fusfita Sri Rahma Tika Agu Permata Muhammad Husen Nirhamni Andriana Vita Yuniar Copyright (c) 2023 Rafidah, Elyanti Rosmanidar, Efni Anita, Agustina Mutia, Dedek Kusnadi, Nurlia Fusfita, Sri Rahma, Tika Agu Permata, Muhammad Husen, Nirhamni Andriana, Vita Yuniar https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-02-28 2023-02-28 2 1 112 119 10.55299/ijcs.v2i1.810