International Journal of Economics (IJEC) 2025-03-05T16:22:38+00:00 IJEC : International Journal of Economics Open Journal Systems <p><strong>International Journal of Economics (IJEC)</strong> <strong>E-ISSN. 2961-712X</strong> is a refereed publication that comes to address the Economic and Administration challenges that economic units of various nature face in today’s rapidly changing international economic environment. It is designed to publish original and high quality research work that will cast light in contemporary issues and will pave the way for the application of mould-braking solutions. IJEC’s general scope is to stimulate, promote and disseminate contemporary research that will have a significant impact on the theory and practice of Businesses, Public Organizations and other Institutions. IJEC’s aims to bridge the gap between theoretical developments and applied, policy-oriented research, becoming the ideal vehicle of advancing innovative ideas in the framework of entities’ economic management and general administration. In this context, the International Journal of Economics (IJEC) is bound to have a distinctive interdisciplinary profile, destined to cover a wide variety of topics spanning from Business Economics to Management, Finance, Accounting, Insurance, Risk Management, Auditing, Banking, International Economics, and Social Science. The ultimate mission of the International Journal of Economics (IJEC) is to constitute a valuable resource of scientific knowledge and applied research results for academics, practitioners and policy-makers becoming an indispensable ally in tackling modern economy’s challenges.</p> Influence of Leadership Behavior on Safety Culture Integration at PT Cipta Kridatama Site PT Borneo Indobara 2024-12-17T02:15:32+00:00 Yustinus Pramono Priambodo <p>This study analyzes the interconnections among transformational leadership, safety culture, and safety behavior at PT Cipta Kridatama Site PT Borneo Indobara, a high-risk mining operation. The research, framed by theoretical views like the Theory of Planned Behavior and Hudson’s Safety Culture Maturity Model, underscores the pivotal role of leadership in cultivating a proactive safety culture and impacting safety behavior. This research aims to assess the direct and indirect impacts of transformational safety leadership on safety behavior, with safety culture serving as a mediating variable. The research used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to examine quantitative data obtained from employee surveys, assessing leadership techniques, cultural characteristics, and behavioral results. The results indicate that transformational safety leadership exerts a substantial and robust impact on safety culture, evidenced by a coefficient of 0.923, a t-statistic of 72.438, and an effect size of 5.765. The safety culture markedly affects safety behavior, evidenced by a coefficient of 0.495, a t-statistic of 5.920, and an effect size of 0.180. Transformational safety leadership has a moderate direct influence on safety behavior (coefficient: 0.417, t-statistic: 4.977, effect size: 0.127) in comparison to its effect on safety culture. Moreover, safety culture mediates the connection between transformational leadership and safety behavior, evidenced by a mediation coefficient of 0.457, a t-statistic of 5.863, and an impact size of 0.180, underscoring its crucial function in converting leadership into behavioral results. The research emphasizes the necessity of combining transformational leadership methods with initiatives to foster a strong safety culture. Recommendations involve augmenting leadership training to integrate safety-oriented practices and executing cultural alignment techniques to maintain proactive safety habits. These insights enhance safety management techniques in high-risk sectors, foster safer workplaces, and improve overall operational outcomes.</p> 2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Yustinus Pramono Priambodo The Sustainable Development: A Path to Economic Development in Iraq 2024-12-11T08:19:48+00:00 Qasim Jabbar Khalaf Sakinah Jahiya Faraj <p>This study explores the evaluation of the impact of sustainability practices on the economic indicators of countries. The research sample consists of 200 &nbsp;individuals, including professors and students from the College of Economics at the University of Baghdad, serving as the basis for collecting the necessary data to measure the research variables. The methodology employs a mixed approach, combining quantitative data from questionnaires with secondary data from national and international reports. The most significant results indicate that sustainable development practices, such as improving certain environmental practices, investing in renewable energy, and enhancing education and health, support economic indicators. The study recommends establishing a comprehensive development strategy, increasing investment in renewable energy, and promoting innovation and economic diversification.</p> 2025-01-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Qasim Jabbar Khalaf, Sakinah Jahiya Faraj Transforming Tax Compliance In Optimizing State Revenue: Innovation And Challenges In The Digital Era 2024-09-30T12:10:52+00:00 Siti Zulaikhah <p>This research aims to analyze the influence of digital technology adoption on the level of tax compliance in Indonesia. Using a quantitative approach, this research collected data from 200 respondents consisting of business actors, both individuals and corporations, who have implemented digital technology in their tax reporting. The analytical method used is linear regression to determine the relationship between the independent variable (digital technology adoption) and the dependent variable (tax compliance). The research results show that the adoption of digital technology, such as the use of e-filing and e-billing, has a significant positive influence on the level of tax compliance. Taxpayers who adopt digital technology tend to be more compliant in reporting and paying taxes on time. However, several challenges are still faced, such as low digital literacy and concerns regarding data security. This research concludes that increasing digital literacy and strengthening technological infrastructure is needed to optimize the benefits of adopting digital technology in the tax system. Apart from that, clearer policies regarding taxation in the digital economy sector are important in facing modern economic developments. Thus, adopting digital technology can be a strategic solution in increasing tax compliance and state revenues.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Siti Zulaikhah The Influence of Upskilling, Communication Capability and Digital Capability on Employee Performance with Innovation as an Intervening Variable at PT PLN (Persero) Pusmanpro 2024-01-19T21:48:15+00:00 Agus Pawitra Widya Pramana Siti Mujanah I Dewa Ketut Raka Ardiana <p><em>PT PLN (Persero) Project Management Center or called (PLN Pusmanpro) in carrying out its activities managing electricity project management, both power plant projects, transmission, substations and rehabilitation projects, opens opportunities for its employees to innovate in the fields of technology and information systems. The problems that arise in the implementation of the use of the Assignment Monitoring and Reporting System (SIMPP) are that the implementation of this application has been running since 2015 and is still using the old version, then there is no indicator that the use of SIMPP can provide work enthusiasm for employees, because the development of the use of information technology is rapidly changing and increasingly sophisticated, and the level of employee communication and innovation is still relatively poor because there are still limitations to the features in this SIMPP application. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of upskilling, communication and digital capability on employee performance with innovation as an intervening variable. This study uses a quantitative method with primary data sources obtained from distributing questionnaires. The population of this study were all employees at PLN Pusmanpro. The selection of respondents was carried out using the saturated non-probability sampling method with a total of 126 respondents. The data analysis method uses descriptive analysis and SEM-PLS analysis. The results of the study indicate that the variables of upskilling, communication and digital capability have a positive and significant effect on employee performance through employee innovation at PT PLN Pusmanpro.</em></p> 2025-01-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Agus Pawitra Widya Pramana, Siti Mujanah, I Dewa Ketut Raka Ardiana The Effect of Brand Image and Electronic Word of Mouth (E-Wom) on Buying Interest of Mixue Consumers in Generation Z in Surabaya City 2024-12-12T02:54:49+00:00 Medi Hendika Syakban Rizky Dermawan <p>This study aims to analyse the effect of brand image and electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) on the purchase intention of Mixue consumers in Generation Z in Surabaya City, using a quantitative approach. The research population comprises Mixue consumers in Generation Z in Surabaya City. The sample consists of 100 Mixue consumer respondents born between 1997 and 2012 and domiciled in Surabaya City, selected using the accidental sampling technique. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and partial least squares (PLS) with the SmartPLS application. The results demonstrated that brand image has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention. Similarly, e-WOM was found to have a positive and significant effect on purchase intention.</p> 2025-01-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Medi Hendika Syakban, Rizky Dermawan The Influence of Macroeconomic Fundamentals, Decisions Investment, And Capital on Stock Returns with Risk Profile and Earning as Intervening Variables and Good Corporate Governance as a Variable Moderation (Study of Banking Companies in Indonesia) 2024-01-19T21:49:11+00:00 Andjar Eka Wijaya Tri Ratnawati Ulfi Pristiana <p><em>This study aims to analyze the influence of macroeconomic indicators, investment decisions, capital, risk profile, earnings, and corporate governance on stock returns in banking companies in Indonesia using the SEM-PLS method. The research results show that macroeconomic indicators (inflation, exchange rate, and interest rate) do not significantly affect stock returns either through risk profile or earnings. But if the macroeconomic variables are tested without mediation variables and directly on stock returns, they have a significant impact.In addition, investment decision indicators (current asset ratio and total asset growth), capital indicators (capital adequacy ratio and debt equity ratio), as well as risk profile indicators (non-performing loan and loan deposit ratio) also do not have a significant impact on stock returns. Similarly, the earning indicators (ROA, ROE, and NIM) and good corporate governance (board of directors and number of commissioners) do not show a significant influence on stock returns. These findings indicate that external factors and other variables are more dominant in influencing stock returns in banking companies in Indonesia.</em></p> 2025-01-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Andjar Eka Wijaya, Tri Ratnawati, Ulfi Pristiana The Effect of Marketing Capability and Brand Reputation on Brand Loyalty of Tomoro Coffee through Competitive Advantage as a Meditation Variable 2025-01-14T02:19:56+00:00 Feterrido Wahyu Viando Intan Tirzana Paramitha Siti Mujanah Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto <p>The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of marketing capabilities and brand reputation on competitive advantage and brand loyalty among Tomoro Coffee customers in Surabaya. This study employs a quantitative research design using a cross-sectional method. The sample used in this research consisted of 100 respondents who are Tomoro Coffee customers residing in Surabaya. Sampling was conducted randomly through an online questionnaire using a Likert scale. Data analysis was carried out using the Structural Equation Modeling ( SEM ) approach with the Partial Least Squares ( PLS ) methodology. The results of this research indicate that marketing capability and brand reputation have a positive and significant effect on competitive advantage. Competitive advantage, in turn, has a positive and significant effect on brand loyalty. Marketing capability has a negative and insignificant effect on brand loyalty, whereas brand reputation exerts a positive and significant effect on brand loyalty. Furthermore, brand reputation has a significant influence on brand loyalty through competitive advantage as a mediating variable, while marketing capability demonstrates an insignificant effect on brand loyalty through competitive advantage as a mediating variable. The implications of this research suggest that Starbucks and other business actors can enhance their performance measurement systems related to marketing capability, brand reputation, competitive advantage, and brand loyalty. These improvements are essential for maintaining and strengthening their competitive position in the market.</p> <p><strong>Keywords </strong>: Marketing Capability, Brand Reputation, Competitive Advantage, Brand Loyalty, Tomoro Coffee</p> 2025-01-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Feterrido Wahyu Viando, Intan Tirzana Paramitha, Siti Mujanah, Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto Analysis of the Influence of Digital Marketing Content on Customer Satisfaction at PT Godongijo Asri 2024-11-18T04:03:03+00:00 Doni Sahat Tua Manalu Aditya Wicaksono Ulil Azmi Nurlaili Suharno Suharno Melani Permata Sari Asti Permata Bunda Farhana Talida Kamila <p>This research aims to analyze the influence of digital marketing content on customer satisfaction at PT Godongijo Asri, a tourist destination consisting of ecotainment education, restaurants and fishing lake. By involving 100 respondents, this research used the SWOT analysis method and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) to evaluate the quality of digital marketing content and its impact on customer perception and satisfaction. The research results show that interesting and informative content can increase customer satisfaction. In addition, the company's internal analysis shows that PT Godongijo Asri is in Region I (Grow and Build) in the IE Matrix, which recommends growth and development strategies. Priority strategies include using brand awareness to create engaging content and diversifying content across various digital platforms. Even though many attributes are considered good, there are several aspects that need to be improved, such as clarity of information and website loading speed. In conclusion, digital marketing content has a significant influence on customer satisfaction, and companies are advised to continue to improve the quality of content and carry out regular updates to attract more customers.</p> 2025-01-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Doni Sahat Tua Manalu, Aditya Wicaksono, Ulil Azmi Nurlaili, Suharno Suharno, Melani Permata Sari, Asti Permata Bunda, Farhana Talida Kamila Family Food Availability Income and Consumption Patterns Causes of Toddler Wasting in East Martapura District 2023-09-08T21:39:23+00:00 Rijanti Abdurrachim Nurhamidi Nurhamidi Niken Widiastuti Hariati Rosihan Anwar Herizka Rizti Emelia <p><em>Asting, a condition characterized by low body weight in toddlers, has a prevalence of 28.94% in Martapura Timur District. This study aimed to explore the relationship between income, food availability, and consumption patterns as factors contributing to wasting among toddlers aged 12-59 months. Using a Cross-Sectional design, data were collected from 45 purposively sampled toddlers through questionnaires, food availability forms, and food frequency forms. Spearman Rank correlation (α=0.05) was employed for data analysis. Findings revealed that most mothers were under 20 or over 35 years old, with junior high school education and predominantly unemployed. Male toddlers were slightly more prevalent, with 82.2% classified as wasting and 17.8% in severe wasting. Low family income (below the minimum wage) was common (71.1%), and food availability ranged from insufficient to barely sufficient. Consumption patterns were largely suboptimal (64.4%), with staple food intake (&lt;150 g/day) limited to rice and corn, animal protein (50 g/day) from eggs only, plant protein (&lt;40 g/day) primarily from tofu, and minimum vegetable consumption (30 g/week of pumpkin, 1-3 times weekly). Statistical analysis indicated significant relationships between family income (p=0.048, r=0.296), food availability (p=0.048, r=0.296), and consumption patterns (ρ=0.002, r=0.455) with wasting. The strongest relationship was found in food availability. Efforts are being made to increase awareness through health centers, encouraging mothers to utilize home yards for food production, enhancing food availability, and improving children's diets. Addressing these factors can help reduce the prevalence of wasting and promote better nutrition in toddlers.</em></p> 2025-01-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rijanti Abdurrachim, Nurhamidi Nurhamidi, Niken Widiastuti Hariati, Rosihan Anwar, Herizka Rizti Emelia The Influence of Social Media Communication and Health Service Quality on Patient Behavioral Intention: The Mediating Role of Patient Satisfaction and Patient Commitment Moderated by Corporate Image at Tritya Eye Clinic Surabaya 2025-01-09T04:16:57+00:00 Anandio Triartomo Nanis Susanti Estik Hari Prastiwi <p>Tritya Eye Clinic, a developing eye clinic, must know what affects patient satisfaction. To understand patient preferences, four factors are key. They are: service quality, the role of social media, commitment, and clinic image. The problem is that patient satisfaction is still low. The roles of social media, consumer commitment, and the Tritya Eye Clinic's image are not optimal. This study aimed to assess the effect of social media and health service quality on patients' behavioral intentions. We examined satisfaction and commitment as mediators, and the company's image as a moderator, at Tritya Eye Clinic in Surabaya. This study uses a quantitative method. It got primary data by distributing questionnaires. the study population was all patients who had been treated at Tritya Eye Clinic Surabaya. We used non-probability purposive sampling to select 100 respondents. The data analysis method used descriptive analysis and SEM-PLS analysis. The results showed that social media and health service quality both had a positive, significant effect on users' intentions. This was through consumer satisfaction and commitment. and company image affects the link between commitment and consumer intentions at Tritya Eye Clinic, Surabaya.</p> 2025-01-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Anandio Triartomo, Nanis Susanti, Estik Hari Prastiwi The Influence of Environmental Performance and Corporate Reputation on Financial Performance with Corporate Social Responsibility as an Intervening Variable 2024-12-23T10:38:48+00:00 Nimas Galuh Phitaloka Ninka Dearani Ahmad Abdianto Siti Mujanah Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto <p>This study aims to examine the impact of environmental performance and corporate reputation on financial performance, with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) serving as an intervening variable. CSR, which reflects a company's social responsibility, is suspected of acting as a bridge that strengthens the relationship between environmental performance, corporate reputation, and financial performance. In the highly competitive business era, environmental performance and corporate reputation, particularly in achieving optimal financial performance, are important factors that influence a company's success.The study uses secondary data from the annual reports of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and employs path analysis to test the causal relationships between variables. The results show that environmental performance and corporate reputation have a positive influence on financial performance, both directly and through CSR as an intervening variable. These findings provide important implications for company management to pay more attention to environmental and social aspects in their business strategies to sustainably improve financial performance</p> 2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Nimas Galuh Phitaloka, Ninka Dearani, Ahmad Abdianto, Siti Mujanah, Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto Sharia Economics in Improving Community Life 2024-02-28T08:55:09+00:00 Effendi Sadly Samsul Effendi Eli Agustami <p>Human resources are aknowledgeor how to organize relationships and rolesresource(workforce) owned byindividualefficiently and effectively and can be used optimally so that the goals of the company, employees and the community are achieved optimally. HR is based on a concept that every employee ismannot a machine and not merely a business resource. combining several fields of science such aspsychology,sociology, and othersHuman resource management also concernsdesign and implementation of planning systems, staffing, employee development, career management, performance evaluation, employee compensation and good labor relations. Human resource management involves all management decisions and practices that directly affect its human resources.</p> 2025-01-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Efendi Sadli, Samsul Effendi, Eli Agustami Talent Management in the Digital Era: Utilizing Technology for Recruitment and Retention at PT Arutmin Indonesia 2024-07-10T07:45:21+00:00 Yudi Permana Riris Ambarwati Azahraty Azahraty <p>This research examines Talent Management in the Digital Era with a focus on the application of technology for recruitment and retention at PT. Arutmin Indonesia. This company has successfully implemented a technology-based talent management strategy using digital platforms, artificial intelligence and data analysis. Recruitment processes, career development and employee retention management through technology have a positive impact on efficiency, effectiveness and employee satisfaction. The research results show that PT. Arutmin Indonesia faces challenges, including employee resistance to technology and data security. Companies address these challenges through technology training, involvement of IT experts, and implementation of strict data security policies. In facing changes in higher education governance, PT. Arutmin Indonesia also implements innovation and change management strategies. Therefore, the conclusion is to increase technology integration, develop data analysis, and strengthen technology-based skills development. The application of intelligent technologies, such as artificial intelligence, may be a future focus for improving talent management. The conclusion confirms that the technological approach to talent management has had a positive impact and provides valuable insights for other companies that wish to involve technology in managing their human resources in the digital era.</p> 2025-01-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Yudi Permana, Riris Ambarwati, Azahraty Azahraty Peninfluence Word of Mouth, Brand Image, and Physical Evidence Consumer Satisfaction and Purchase Decision of Madura Tuna Fish Petis in Pamekasan 2025-01-01T06:10:05+00:00 Ratna Dwi Wahyuni Siti Munajah Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto <p>This research aims to analyze the influence of Word of Mouth (WOM), Brand Image, and Physical Evidence on Consumer Satisfaction and Purchase Decisions for typical Madurese tuna fish paste products in Pamekasan. The research method used is a quantitative approach through surveys with multiple linear regression analysis. The research results show that WOM, Brand Image, and Physical Evidence significantly influence consumer satisfaction. Positive WOM has a strong influence in increasing consumer trust and expectations, while a Brand Image that highlights local culture increases the emotional value of the product. Meanwhile, physical evidence such as attractive and hygienic packaging plays an important role in forming perceptions of quality. Consumer satisfaction functions as a mediator that strengthens the relationship between independent variables and purchasing decisions. Satisfied consumers tend to make repeat purchases and provide positive recommendations to others. The implications of this research underscore the importance of marketing strategies that focus on managing WOM, strengthening brand image, and improving the quality of physical product elements to support loyalty and market growth.</p> 2025-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ratna Dwi Wahyuni, Siti Munajah, Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto Analysis of Variables That Influence Financing at Sharia Banks 2025-01-10T08:25:22+00:00 Lukman Lukman <p>Financing plays an important role in improving the performance of Islamic banks. Financing indicators are commonly used to measure bank performance. Financing as the main source of bank profitability is carried out using the principle of prudence. To increase financing, continuous efforts are needed by increasing the allocation of larger financing in the future.&nbsp; A number of variables have an important role in improving financing performance, including savings, inflation and profit sharing. This research aims to analyze the influence of savings variables, inflation and profit sharing on financing at Sharia Banks. This research uses quantitative descriptive analysis methods. The research results show that simultaneously it is known that savings and inflation have a significant effect on financing at Sharia Banks. Meanwhile, the profit sharing variable has no effect on sharia bank financing. Partially, third party funds, inflation and profit sharing do not have a significant effect on financing at Sharia Banks. However, efforts are needed to maximize financing, especially in increasing competitiveness and improving bank performance in the future.</p> 2025-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Lukman Lukman Good Corporate Governance Perspective In Islamic Banking Towards Improving Financial Performance 2025-01-10T08:17:07+00:00 Ali Imran Faisal Faisal Anhar Firdaus <p>The implementation of Good Corporate Governance in Islamic banking institutions is intended to foster public trust, improve performance and maintain the stability of banking activities. Good Corporate Governance is a manifestation of banking governance in implementing the principles of openness, accountability, liability, independence and fairness. Implementation of good banking governance principles from a sharia perspective as a form of management responsibility to stakeholders. This research was conducted at Islamic Bank using a quantitative descriptive approach. This research uses Confirmatory Factor Analysis. This analysis is intended to provide an overview of Islamic Bank's performance. From the research results, the quality of transparency, accountability, responsibility, professionalism and fairness shows very good figures and there is an increase in performance from the previous year.&nbsp; This achievement is in line with the increasing commitment of Islamic Bank's top management in an effort to improve the bank's performance. Especially in an effort to improve Good Corporate Governance performance. In all lines of bank activity, this is also inseparable from the increasing demands for Islamic bank performance in terms of good governance.</p> 2025-01-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ali Imran, Faisal Faisal, Anhar Firdaus Implementation of Good Corporate Governance and Sharia Bank Performance 2025-02-02T03:54:04+00:00 Aryati Aryati <p>Bank financial performance is the achievement of activities within a certain period, especially related to the collection, distribution of funds, and other bank operational activities. Good Corporate Governance (GCG) can improve bank performance. One of the important objectives of implementing GCG in Sharia banking is to improve bank performance. A number of important factors are used to measure the implementation of a bank's level, one of whicht is the implementation of GCG. The level of Islamic banks is an important part of the efforts to increase the trust of shareholders, the public, and customers. The implementation of GCG can help and facilitate Sharia bank management in developing business strategies and making it easier to achieve goals. This study aims to determine the effect of GCG implementation on the level of Islamic banks in Indonesia. Using the bank's internal respondents. The use of these respondents was expected to provide information related to the implementation of banks. This stud uses a quantitative discrete analysis approach. The research results show that the implementation of GCG has a significant effect on the level of sharia banking. Continuous efforts are needed to implement GCG in the future, especially to increase competitiveness.</p> 2025-02-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Aryati Aryati Anticipatory Risk Planning at PT Telkom Indonesia 2024-12-23T05:35:06+00:00 Muhammad Yusran Sitti Hadijah Jumardi Jumardi Bahrul Ulum Ilham <p><em>This study examines the anticipatory risk management strategies implemented by PT Telkom Indonesia to address potential crises, including pandemics. This research aims to explore how a company can proactively identify, analyze, and manage risks to maintain service stability. Employing the Narrative Literature Review (NLR) approach, this study gathers and analyzes secondary data from various risk-management-related literature, focusing on the telecommunications sector. The findings reveal that although PT Telkom Indonesia has established risk strategies, several areas require further development, particularly in terms of long-term risk anticipation. This study recommends strengthening a more comprehensive and adaptive risk-management system to enhance corporate resilience. The originality of this research lies in its specific focus on PT Telkom Indonesia as a case study, highlighting the unique challenges and opportunities faced by a leading telecommunications company to address uncertainties and future crises. Additionally, this study contributes to the existing body of literature by providing insights into the application of anticipatory risk management in the telecommunications sector, particularly in the context of future pandemics.</em></p> 2025-02-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Yusran, Sitti Hadijah, Jumardi Jumardi, Bahrul Ulum Ilham Tourism Development Strategy to Improve Community Economy Post Covid 19 Pandemic 2025-02-03T03:06:10+00:00 Rahmat Jaya M. Iqbal Suhaeb Novit Hidayat Rasna Rasna Herjuno Ariwibowo Arifin <p>This research aims to examine the possibility of a tourism development strategy in improving the community's economy after the Covid 19 pandemic. This research uses a qualitative method by conducting a literature study. This type of research is a type of research by presenting a collection of data from various literatures that are closely related to the side of the world tourism development strategy in improving the economic sector of the post Covid-19 pandemic community. The data taken can be in the form of scientific journals, books, articles and other sources of information relevant to the research topic. In the literature review research method, researchers usually carry out the process of searching and collecting data through various sources of information. After that, the collected data are analyzed and evaluated to support the formulation of hypotheses, theoretical frameworks, or conclusions in the research and then draw red threads and conclusions. The results of this study concluded that tourism is a very important sector for Indonesia, both in terms of economy and cultural promotion to foreign countries. To revive tourism in East Java after the COVID-19 pandemic. The East Java Provincial Government has made various efforts, including: tourism promotion strategies through public relations strategies, development of tourism destinations with various facilities, cooperation with public development, tourism, with a marine base.</p> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Rahmat Jaya, M. Iqbal Suhaeb, Novit Hidayat, Rasna Rasna, Herjuno Ariwibowo Arifin The Influence of Agile Leadership, Resilience and Technology Sensing on Employee Performance with Employee Well Being as an Intervening Variable on State Civil Apparatus (ASN) Employees at the Forestry Service of East Java Province 2025-01-13T04:53:21+00:00 Arif Hartadi Siti Mujanah I .D. Ketut Raka Ardiana <p><em>The Forestry Service has the task of organizing part of the provincial government affairs in the forestry sector based on the principle of autonomy which is the authority, deconcentration and assistance tasks, and other tasks in accordance with the policies set by the Governor based on applicable laws and regulations. According to the Regulation of the Governor of East Java No. 84 of 2016, the Forestry Service is an implementing element of government affairs in the forestry sector led by the Head of the Service who is positioned under and responsible to the Governor through the Regional Secretary of East Java Province.</em><em>The problems that still arise in the organization are the declining work spirit of employees, due to the rapid development of the use of information technology (more sophisticated), and the level of communication and Employee Well Being is still relatively poor. This study was conducted to fill this gap, and create a model with Employee Well Being as an intervening variable, which has not been widely studied, especially ASN in the forestry sector. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of agile leadership, resilience and technology sensing on employee performance with employee well being as an intervening variable on State Civil Apparatus (ASN) Employees at the East Java Provincial Forestry Service. This study uses a quantitative method with primary data sources obtained from distributing questionnaires. The population of this study was all employees at the East Java Provincial Forestry Service. Respondents were selected using a saturated non-probability sampling method, totaling 100 participants. Data analysis involved descriptive analysis and SEM-PLS analysis. The study finds that agile leadership, resilience, and technology sensing positively and significantly impact employee performance by improving employee well-being among ASN employees at the East Java Provincial Forestry Service.</em></p> 2025-02-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Arif Hartadi, Siti Mujanah, I .D. Ketut Raka Ardiana Increasing Brand Awareness through Digital Marketing and Digital Transformation: A Literature Review 2025-02-21T03:21:25+00:00 Jajang Sugiat <p><em>In the rapidly evolving digital era, companies are faced with the challenge of utilizing digital technology to increase brand awareness. Digital marketing and digital transformation have become major factors in strengthening brand awareness and creating a more personalized consumer experience. This study aims to analyze the relationship between digital marketing, digital transformation, and brand awareness in various industries. The type of research used is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were companies that have implemented digital marketing, with purposive sampling techniques and a sample size of 150 companies. The research locations were various companies in Indonesia that use digital channels in their marketing. The results showed that an integrated digital marketing strategy and the utilization of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics play an important role in increasing brand awareness. Consistency of brand messages and the use of the right channels greatly influence the success of marketing campaigns in building brand awareness. This research provides important implications for companies in designing and implementing more effective digital marketing strategies and utilizing digital technology to increase loyalty and brand awareness in a sustainable manner.</em></p> 2025-02-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Jajang Sugiat The Role of Transformational Leadership in Improving Organisational Performance: A Human Resource Management Perspective 2025-02-21T17:45:00+00:00 Taufiq Hidayah <p>This study explores the role of transformational leadership in enhancing organizational performance from a Human Resource Management (HRM) perspective. Utilizing qualitative methods, including semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with 30 participants across various industries, the research identifies key themes that illustrate how transformational leadership behaviors influence employee motivation, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and innovation. Findings reveal that visionary leadership fosters a shared sense of purpose, while empowerment and trust enhance employee engagement and ownership. Intellectual stimulation encourages creativity and collaboration, contributing to an innovative culture. Furthermore, supportive HRM practices, such as leadership development programs and performance management systems, are crucial in nurturing transformational leaders. The results underscore the significant impact of transformational leadership on organizational effectiveness and highlight the importance of strategic HRM initiatives in cultivating leaders who can inspire teams to achieve shared goals. This research contributes to the understanding of effective leadership dynamics within organizations and offers practical implications for HRM practices aimed at fostering high-performance cultures.</p> 2025-02-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Taufiq Hidayah Analysis of Rural Poverty in Bengkulu Province Indonesia 2025-01-14T01:33:57+00:00 Barika Barika Romi Gunawan Aan Zulyanto <p><em>This study examines poverty in the rural districts of Bengkulu Province. This study investigates how poverty in rural Bengkulu Province is affected by economic growth, village fund allocation, village development index, income distribution disparity, and duration of education. Panel data from 2018 to 2023, covering nine districts in the province, were used in this study. According to the study results, since 2018, village fund distribution and economic growth have been factors that have had a favorable impact on poverty in the rural districts of Bengkulu Province. The village development index, length of schooling, and economic disparity contribute to poverty in the rural districts of Bengkulu Province.</em></p> 2025-02-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Barika Barika, Romi Gunawan; Aan Zulyanto Analysis of the Application of Marketing Mix to Increase Sales at Store Dikromoshop Bandar Lampung 2025-03-05T16:22:38+00:00 Atika Novita Dora Rinova <p>When running a business, a company implements a marketing strategy to reach a predetermined target and optimize sales results. One marketing strategy implemented by Dikromoshop is a marketing mix strategy consisting of, product, price, place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence. This study analyses the extent of the marketing mix strategy applied by Dikromoshop to increase sales and the factors that play a role in supporting or inhibiting the application of marketing mix strategies to increase sales at Dikromoshop stores. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach by collecting data directly through observation, interviews, and documentation with the owner, employees, and consumers of Dikromoshop Bandar Lampung. The results of this study indicate that the application of the marketing mix Strategy by Dikromoshop in an effort to increase sales volume has been carried out to the maximum in accordance with the principles of relevant theory, which proved to have a crucial role in increasing sales volume. The supporting factors are quality products at affordable prices, products that are not market, social media promotions, and discounts such as flash sales given on twin dates. Then, the inhibiting factors are competition and lack of innovation in clothing products, followed by the payment process, which only supports payments via cash and transfers to one bank.</p> 2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Atika Novita, Dora Rinova