Journal of Educational Research Excellence (IJERE)2025-01-15T03:26:09+00:00Prof. Dr. Ahmad Laut Hasibuan, M.Pdijere.journals@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Welcome to the <strong>International Journal of Educational Research Excellence (IJERE), <a href="">ISSN. 2830-7933 (Online)</a></strong>. IJERE is the first open access and double-blind peer-reviewed international journal managed by PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional, which exclusively focuses on education and Education technology. This first international journal is a part of the Publisher’s strong commitment to education, which is expected to be the medium for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, information, and technology among experts and practitioners of education. IJERE aims to facilitate and promote the inquiry into and dissemination of research results on primary education, secondary education, higher education, teacher education, special education, adult education, non-formal education, and any new development and advancement in the field of education. The scope of our journal includes; Language and literature education, Social science education, Law, Sports and health education, Economics and business education, Math and natural science education, Vocational and engineering education, and Visual arts, dance, music, and design education.</p> and Visual Representation in Physics: Enhancing Understanding Through Multimedia2024-12-28T08:42:52+00:00Eni Sumanti Nasutionenisumanti.nst@gmail.comFauziah Nasutionfauziahnasution05@gmail.comTinur Rahmawati Harahaptinurrahmawatiharahap@gmail.comElissa Evawani<p>The incorporation of multimedia resources in physics education has become a crucial approach for improving student understanding by combining verbal and visual components. This investigation utilizes a mixed-methods design to assess the impact of multimedia tools on student participation and comprehension in physics courses. Quantitative information was gathered through assessments before and after the intervention, while qualitative data was obtained from student interviews and in-class observations. The study involved creating tailored multimedia materials, which were subsequently integrated into lessons. Quantitative data underwent statistical analysis, including paired t-tests, while qualitative findings were examined using thematic analysis. The results revealed a substantial increase in student engagement from 45% without multimedia to 85% with its use. Additionally, the post-test mean score (79.3 ± 8.81) exceeded the pre-test average (58.5 ± 12.65), suggesting enhanced understanding and uniformity among students. Qualitative outcomes highlighted multimedia's contribution to clarifying intricate concepts, improving communication abilities, and promoting collaborative learning. The research concludes that the strategic integration of multimedia tools within cooperative frameworks can establish a vibrant, interactive learning environment, considerably enhancing students' conceptual grasp and preparing them for future academic and career challenges.</p>2025-01-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Eni Sumanti Nasution, Fauziah Nasution, Tinur Rahmawati Harahap, Elissa Evawani Tambunan Speaking Material Based on Storytelling by Using YouTube in The Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Bahorok Academic Year 2023/20242025-01-15T02:36:43+00:00Ilham Al Khairiilhamalkhairi21@gmail.comRisnawaty Risnawatyilhamalkhairi21@gmail.comAsnawi<p>This study aimed to develop the leaning module in speaking based on storytelling by using YouTube in the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Bahorok academic year 2023/2024. The research was used to identify the effectiveness and the result the combination between the old techniques with the modern technology like YouTube. There were 12 students as the participants who study in SMA Negeri 1 Bahorok. The methodology used in this study was research and development by Borg and Gall that includes ten steps of the process. There were some questionnaires give to the students and expert to get the rich. In collecting the data, pre-test and post-test were used to get the distinction between the old and the new learning activity. The test measured by using N-Gain Score to obtain the effectiveness of the new design applied in the class. Moreover, the questionnaires were also given to the experts. Both of them gave the positive feedback to the use of YouTube in the speaking storytelling module. The result indicates that the students need to utilize the technology in their learning activities. By getting 59.18% in N-Gain score, it shows the effectiveness of the speaking based on storytelling technique by using YouTube. The expert also validated several aspects such: content, language, feasibility and design. Most of them were in moderate and high position measured by using Aiken’s validation. In short, the learning module can be applied in the educational program. In other case, it also can be implemented in other genres.</p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ilham Al Khairi, Risnawaty Risnawaty, Asnawi Asnawi of Interpersonal Relationships in Virtual Guidance and Counseling for BK Students: Challenges, Opportunities, and Intervention Strategies2025-01-15T03:26:09+00:00Nurasyah Fadhillah<p>The counseling process has been significantly changed by advances in information and communication technology. The digital era has paved the way for virtual counseling services, which allow wider, more flexible, and anonymous access for those who need it, especially students. One of the important services provided to students to support their emotional, social, and academic growth is counseling. Counseling in higher education is increasingly being done virtually due to the rapid development of information technology. The purpose of this study is to investigate the dynamics of interpersonal relationships in virtual counseling, find problems, and find opportunities and intervention strategies that may be used in this situation. It is important to understand these challenges and create useful solutions for them. Some of the main problems that are often faced include difficulties in building strong emotional relationships, limitations in non-verbal interactions, and technical problems that can interfere with communication. The research method is a qualitative descriptive method by taking data from several libraries that are used as consideration. After reviewing the literature from various related research sources, this article concludes that although virtual counseling services present some technical problems and limitations in non-verbal interactions, they also offer greater opportunities. Appropriate intervention strategies include technology skills training, use of safe platforms, and approaches that rely more on effective communication skills.</p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Nurasyah Nurasyah, Rini Fadhillah Putri, Enny Fitriani Reading Material Based on Local Culture at SMP Negeri 32 Medan2024-01-05T04:05:41+00:00Ade Lestari Dwi Putriadelestari1995@gmail.comAzhary<p>Integrating local culture into the process of learning a foreign language has only recently begun to draw attention. Therefore, local culture-based English reading materials are a solution to attract students' interest in reading English. The objectives of this research are to develop the students’ English reading materials based on local culture at SMPN 32 Medan, to find out the validation of English reading material based on local culture at SMPN 32 Medan, and to explain the effectiveness of English reading material based on local culture at SMPN 32 Medan. This research adapted the R&D model proposed by Sugiyono (2013) with some modifications. The data was taken from students and teachers of SMPN 32 Medan and also expert judgment from Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al Washliyah Medan. The instruments of this research are questionnaire, documentation and test. The result of validation from the material expert judgment is 91.66% and the material expert judgment is 85.71%. It means that the product in very high category. The result of validation from the teacher is also high category, 88.63% . In addition, the product was also tested on students and the results showed a significant increase in scores after the students learned using the local culture-based reading materials. Unit 1 increased up to 10.36%, Unit 2 increased up to 12.15%, Unit 3 increased up to 14.06% and Unit 4 increased up to 15.26%. The average score of students, which was previously the highest at 78, increased to 89. The conclusion based on the research results shows that these English reading materials can be adopted as teaching materials as additional learning for English lessons that are interesting, contextual, and adapted to the Merdeka curriculum.</p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ade Lestari Dwi Putri, Azhary Tambusai Role of Character Education in Building Ethics and Morality among Students in the Digital Age2024-12-25T08:54:38+00:00Marwan Marwanmarwansangga1@gmai.comBahmid Hasbullahbahmidhasbullah01@gmail.comIndah Rahayuindah30091986@gmail.comWakhudin Gunawan<p>This investigation aims to analyze the role of character education in fostering students' ethics and morality within the digital era.Utilizing a qualitative approach, this study explores the experiences of educators, students, and parents in implementing character education within formal educational environments.Data were gathered through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and document analysis.The findings indicate that character education exerts a substantial influence in enhancing students' ethical awareness and moral reasoning, particularly in navigating ethical challenges stemming from digital technology exposure. Nevertheless, the study also uncovers significant barriers to this goal, including the lack of value-based technology support and time constraints. The study's findings suggest that a collaborative effort among schools, families, and communities is essential to maximize the impact of character education in the digital era.</p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Marwan Marwan, Bahmid Hasbullah, Indah Rahayu, Wakhudin Wakhudin, Dedi Gunawan Saputra Concept of Children’s Character Education in the Family Environment According to Buya Hamka2025-01-07T00:18:21+00:00Ema Chairunnisaemaasyrakal@gmail.comM. Asyrakalemaasyrakal@gmail.comAbdul<p>This study aims to elaborate on the concept of children's character education within the family environment according to Buya Hamka. It employs a qualitative approach with a library research method. The data for this study were collected using documentation techniques, which involved reviewing and searching for information in the form of notes, books, journals, and other general scientific works. The analysis was conducted using content analysis techniques. The findings reveal that Buya Hamka emphasizes that the foundation of children's character education begins in the family environment. In this context, parents, specifically fathers and mothers, play a central role in shaping a child's character. The primary aspect of children's education starts and is implemented within the family setting. According to Buya Hamka, several methods can be applied to instill and shape a child’s character. These methods include exemplary behavior, advice, practice, habituation, discussion, and punishment. Additionally, three key steps for character building are identified. Firstly, parents, as the primary educators, must possess a pure and sincere spirit in nurturing their children’s character. Secondly, parents are obligated to provide advice to their children. Thirdly, parents should frequently engage their children in discussions.</p>2025-01-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ema Chairunnisa, M. Asyrakal, Abdul Haris, Syamsurizal Yazid of Teaching Materials to Support Learning of the Merdeka Curriculum on Thermochemistry Material Phase F SMA/MA2024-10-25T10:54:53+00:00Melia Rahmadhanimeliarah10@gmail.comMawardi<p style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to develop a teaching material on thermochemistry to support learning in Phase F SMA/MA Merdeka Curriculum. Educational Research Design (EDR) were used as the design approach and limited to prototyping stage. The subjects were three chemistry lecturers, two teachers who teach chemistry subjects and nine phase F students. Data was collected using validity and practicality questionnaires which resulted average content validity of 0.85 and construct validity of 0.87, where it can be classified as valid. Furthermore, the percentage of practicality is 96% for teachers and 94% for students, which can be classified as very practical. From these findings, it can be concluded that the developed teaching material is valid and practical.</p>2025-01-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Melia Rahmadhani, Mawardi Mawardi, Okta Suryani, Reza Akmar of Vygotsky's Constructivism Theory Through the Project Based Learning Model of PAK Teachers Impacts Problem Solving of Grade XI Students at SMA Negeri 1 Kauditan 2024-11-04T05:22:31+00:00Hermin Rantingherminranting42@gmail.comJelty Juriaty Rumetorjeltyr123@gmail.comYahya Herman Liudhermanlova7@gmail.comRistan Rakimrakimristan4@gmail.comHizkia Joel Kambongkambongh@gmail.comJulio Eleazer Nendissajulionendissa35@gmail.comFrimsi<p>The era of education that increasingly demands an increase in the quality of human resources (HR) has positioned teachers as an important component in the learning process. The application of learning methods that are relevant to the demands of the times is needed to encourage the development of students' increasingly complex problem-solving skills. Christian Religious Education (PAK) teachers are expected to be able to present a learning environment that is conducive to the development of students' abilities through a contextual and project-based approach. Project Based Learning (PjBL) is one of the learning models that aims to provide real project-based learning experiences to students. This model is based on the principles of Vygotsky's constructivism, which emphasizes the importance of social interaction and collaboration in learning. In the context of PAK learning, project based learning helps students develop critical, analytical, and creative thinking skills, as well as problem-solving abilities. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach to analyze the impact of implementing the project based learning model on improving the problem-solving abilities of grade XI students at SMA Negeri I Kauditan. Data collected through observations, interviews, and questionnaires involving students and Christian Religious Education (PAK) teachers show that project based learning has proven effective in developing students' critical and analytical thinking skills. Students feel more confident in facing challenges, more collaborative in working in groups, and more disciplined in completing tasks. Teacher evaluations also confirm that the process of working on a project is as important as the end result, because it can describe the development of students' problem-solving skills as a whole.</p>2025-01-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Julio Eleazer Nendissa, Hermin Ranting, Jelty Juriaty Rumetor, Yahya Herman Liud, Ristan Rakim, Hizkia Joel Kambong, Frimsi Wohon