Journal of Educational Research Excellence (IJERE)2024-12-04T17:00:59+00:00Prof. Dr. Ahmad Laut Hasibuan, M.Pdijere.journals@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Welcome to the <strong>International Journal of Educational Research Excellence (IJERE), <a href="">ISSN. 2830-7933 (Online)</a></strong>. IJERE is the first open access and double-blind peer-reviewed international journal managed by PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional, which exclusively focuses on education and Education technology. This first international journal is a part of the Publisher’s strong commitment to education, which is expected to be the medium for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, information, and technology among experts and practitioners of education. IJERE aims to facilitate and promote the inquiry into and dissemination of research results on primary education, secondary education, higher education, teacher education, special education, adult education, non-formal education, and any new development and advancement in the field of education. The scope of our journal includes; Language and literature education, Social science education, Law, Sports and health education, Economics and business education, Math and natural science education, Vocational and engineering education, and Visual arts, dance, music, and design education.</p> of Mathematical Literacy Behaviour of Junior High School Students2024-06-18T16:36:48+00:00Widenisahwidenisah12345@gmail.comMaulani Hadiyatimaulanihadiyati99@gmail.comMuhammad Firhan Arrazifirhanarrazi@gmail.comMuchamad Subali Notomsnoto.ugj@gmail.comSri<p>Literacy is not only an ability to read and write but also to interpret responses and understand, as well as an ability to do daily activities. Research previously studied ability literacy in aspects cognitive, whereas aspects are affective and psychomotor. The same importance is placed on an aspect of cognitive—the study of cognitive, affective and psychomotor behaviour. Therefore, this research aims to find out and measure the extent of mathematical literacy among students at one of the Cirebon Regency junior high schools. School This is taken with the purposive random sampling method. Study This uses instrument rubric behaviour literacy mathematics and tests literacy valid and reliable mathematics. The result shows literacy mathematical students dominated by level moderate (51.51%). Behaviour literacy mathematical students are differentiated into three categories, namely superior, regular, and inferior; presentation behaviour literacy mathematical student is 30% for inferior, 50% for regular, and 20% for superior. The writer recommends that the teacher give questions to students with a hook with Life a Day so that students can understand the questions given.</p>2024-07-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Widenisah, Maulani Hadiyati, Muhammad Firhan Arrazi, Muchamad Subali Noto, Sri Asnawati Religious Practices of Indonesian Students Studying in Turkey2024-07-09T05:33:42+00:00Dalmi Iskandar Ayni Putri Amanda Nazirah<p>The practice of religion for Indonesian students studying in Turkey deserves the attention of academics. This is because conditions, student backgrounds, distance and time differences between two countries can be factors in the fluctuations in the practice of religion for students. This research aims to prove whether Indonesian students in Turkey still consistently implement Islamic teachings. This research uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach to obtain in-depth data and information findings. The data collection technique used was interviews. The interview aspect is an important factor for student informants, to explore in detail and in depth about religious practices in Turkey. The research findings show that 1) Indonesian students still practice Islamic teachings while in Turkey, 2) Students use Islamic teachings and values as guidelines for carrying out daily activities and activities in Turkey, and 3) Students believe that religion is the basic motivation and guidance for life. strong and persistent in completing studies in Turkey.</p>2024-07-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dalmi Iskandar Sultani, Cita Ayni Putri Silalahi, Sujarwo, Dinil Abrar, Naufa Hanif, Suci Amanda Putri, Fathin Nazirah Aulia Teaching Materials Narrative Text-The Fiction of Good Character-Oriented for Class VII MTS/SMP2024-07-10T16:52:21+00:00Ishak Sanusiishak.sanusi.daimin50@gmail.comAbdur Razakishak.sanusi.daimin50@gmail.comMira<p>The research carried out is a type of development research or Research and Development (R&D). As for the Research and Development (R&D) method in this research, researchers used the ADDIE development model. Data collection techniques used in research are observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The research carried out is a type of development research or Research and Development (R&D). As for the Research and Development (R&D) method in this research, researchers used the ADDIE development model. Data collection techniques used in research are observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The results of research on digital teaching materials for narrative texts - fiction oriented towards noble morals which are arranged in the form of digital flipbook teaching modules, contain linguistic elements, structure, content, inspirational characters and the four characteristics of the apostle (noble character). The implementation of digital teaching materials after going through limited trials and expanding as learning progressed, Indonesian language teachers and students stated that the short story texts containing the four characteristics of the apostle (noble morals) were very suitable and appropriate as teaching material in learning.</p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ishak Sanusi, Abdur Razak, Mira Nuryanti Role of Families and Nursing Homes in Improving the Quality of Life of The Elderly in Tanjungpinang City2024-07-10T16:51:12+00:00Emmy Edi Fatma<p>This research discusses the role of families and nursing homes in improving the quality of life of the elderly. Social problems facing the elderly include the ability of families and nursing homes to meet their needs. The elderly are part of the demographic bonus challenge and need support for physical, economic, psychological and social well-being. Shifts in family functions have led to an increase in the number of elderly people in nursing homes. The International Convention on the Elderly emphasizes the importance of access to basic needs and employment opportunities, but Indonesia has not ratified this convention, even though there are local policies that recognize the elderly as a vulnerable group that must be empowered. This research uses a constructivist paradigm and qualitative methods with in-depth interviews and participant observation to collect data. The results show that the pattern of caring for elderly people in families and nursing homes is different, with nursing homes often being a place for elderly people who have been neglected by their families. Families have an important role in caring for and supporting elderly people, which can significantly influence their quality of life. Nursing homes also play a role in providing care and support, but face challenges such as limited resources and social stigma. This research highlights the importance of a holistic approach in elderly care, both in the context of families and nursing home institutions. Well-functioning families and well-managed nursing homes can improve the quality of life of seniors, by taking into account their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs.</p>2024-07-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Emmy Solina, Darsono Wisadirana, Wawan Edi Kuswandoro, Anif Fatma Chawa, Casiavera Effect of Avgas and Ethanol Fuel Mixture on Fuel Spray Temperature2024-06-19T15:55:00+00:00Daniel Dewantoro Rumanidimas.endrawan@gmail.comDimas Endrawan Putradimas.endrawan@gmail.comDimas Hari Cahyodimas.endrawan@gmail.comNasrul Ilminafikdimas.endrawan@gmail.comMuhamad Khoirul<p>This research aims to examine the effect of the avgas-ethanol fuel mixture on the fuel spray temperature. The research was carried out using a pressurized tube which was sprayed into the mock up which was assumed to be an aircraft combustion chamber with a pressure of 2 bar and a distance of 7,73 cm which would later be sprayed using pure avgas, a mixture of avgas and ethanol namely A80E20 and A60E40 then added with a temperature sensor at the end nozzle, center of jet, and impact wall. The spray temperature can result in incomplete combustion and result in higher exhaust emissions and also damage to the engine if it does not match the temperature capacity of the combustion chamber walls. The spray temperature results for the A60E40 fuel mixture are the lowest temperature, namely 25<sup>o</sup>-18.2<sup>o</sup>C and knowing that the more fuel is mixed, the lower the temperature of the fuel.</p>2024-07-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Daniel Dewantoro Rumani, Dimas Endrawan Putra, Dimas Hari Cahyo, Nasrul Ilminafik, Muhamad Khoirul Anam and Implementation of Digital Teaching Materials for Fable Texts in Junior High Schools2024-06-25T04:59:30+00:00Laely Syaudahsyaudah@gmail.comYusida Glorianilinestmaya@gmail.comDede Endang<p>This study aims to elucidate the design, feasibility, and implementation of digital teaching materials for fable texts intended for junior high school (SMP/MTs) students, utilizing the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate). Data were collected through classroom observations and questionnaires during fable text lessons. The questionnaires revealed that students disliked assignments related to fable text learning. In response, the author developed digital teaching materials for fable texts accessible via YouTube and live worksheet applications. Validation by subject matter and media experts indicated high feasibility, with scores of 91.43% and 90%, respectively. Implementation with students resulted in a comprehension rate of 90%, demonstrating that these digital teaching materials enhance student engagement and facilitate completion of fable text assignments. Consequently, these materials are recommended as supplementary resources for learning fable texts.</p>2024-07-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Laely Syaudah, Yusida Gloriani, Dede Endang Mascita Influence of Culture on Indonesian language in Elementary Schools in Tanjung Sarang Elang, Panai Hulu2024-07-10T17:13:23+00:00Eka Nurbulanekanurbulan1975@gmail.comEmi Juwita Saragiemiemi121215@gmail.comAnwaranwarrangkuti1@gmail.comAbdurrahman Adisaputeraekanurbulan1975@gmail.comKhairil<p>Indonesian is experiencing a period of accelerated development and modernization. This is evidenced by the growing vocabulary and stability of its structural elements. It is important to note that, alongside this process, the language is also facing challenges in terms of its continued development and usage. It is likely that many young people and the general public are still unaware of Indonesian's position and function in the context of the country's identity. They fail to recognize the role of Indonesian as a symbol of national pride, national identity, a means of communication between citizens, between regions, and between cultures, as well as a tool for unifying various ethnic groups with their respective socio-cultural and linguistic backgrounds into the unity of Indonesian nationality. Therefore, it is essential to continually develop the Indonesian language in order to advance the nation and state.</p>2024-07-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Nurbulan, Emi Juwita Saragi, Anwar, Abdurrahman Adisaputera, Khairil Ansari Paradigms for Learning Mathematics with the Aid of Artificial Intelligence: A Phenomenological Study of Prospective Teacher Students2024-06-20T16:34:13+00:00Syfa NurfadilahSyifanurfadhillah214@gmail.comGifa Nur Arofahgifanurarofah28@gmail.comToto<p>The 21st century has seen rapid changes in educational practices, mainly due to technological advancements such as artificial intelligence. Especially in today's digital age, technology is essential in transforming education. One prominent innovation is the use of AI in the context of learning. This research aims to discover prospective teachers' learning processes using AI. In addition, this research seeks to determine the position of AI in learning mathematics for prospective teachers. The participants are Mathematics Education students of Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati (UGJ) Cirebon. This qualitative study uses phenomenological methods by collecting data from each research subject about experiences regarding the use of AI in solving several math problems. This research provides insight into how prospective teachers can utilize AI technology in the mathematics learning process. In addition, this research is essential because it contributes to the development of technology-based pedagogy, a significant trend in global education today. This research uses data collection methods through observation, interviews, and content. The results of this study are that 3 paradigms from previous research are in line with the theory of 3 paradigms: (1) AI-directed students as recipients, (2) AI-supported students as collaborators, and (3) AI-empowered students as leaders. Most participants in this study were collaborators in these three paradigms.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Syfa Nurfadilah, Gifa Nur Arofah, Toto Subroto, Tonah Cause of students’ Anxiety in Speaking Ability in Speech at STIKes Paluta Husada2024-06-23T07:08:00+00:00Yulina Oktaviani Harahapyulinaoktaviani@gmail.comYulinda Oktaviana<p><strong><em> </em></strong>Speaking is one of the most critical language skills that English language learners must develop. However, not all students can communicate in English. Students find it difficult to communicate themselves in speech, and they have encountered a variety of obstacles.The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that generate students' anxiety in speech, as well as the link between students' speaking skill in speech and their degree of anxiety. This study employed descriptive research. The study included 28 midwifery students from STIKes Paluta Husada throughout the course of six semesters. The data suggest that communication apprehension, fear of poor assessment, and exam anxiety were the elements that caused students' nervousness when making a speech.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yulina Oktaviani Harahap, Yulinda Oktaviana Harahap Effect of Contextual Teaching Learning Method Toward Students’ Reading Skill at SMA Negeri 1 Panai Hilir2024-07-10T17:12:42+00:00Laila Fitrialailafitria566@gmail.comMuhammad Yusufhariantoii@umnaw.ic.idHarianto<p>This study examines the efficacy of contextual teaching and learning (CTL) in enhancing reading proficiency among eighth-year students at SMAN 1 Panai Hilir. The research questions were as follows: (a) To what extent is the use of contextual teaching and learning (CTL) effective in improving students’ vocabulary? (b) What are the perceptions of students with respect to vocabulary acquisition through CTL? The research objectives were to ascertain (1) the efficacy of using CTL in improving students’ vocabulary and (2) students’ perceptions of vocabulary acquisition through CTL at the eighth-grade students of SMAN 1 Panai Hilir. The research employed a pre-experimental method with a pretest and posttest design, with the intention of providing a systematic expression or description of the data collected from a pre-experimental investigation. All eighth-year students at SMAN 1 Panai Hilir constituted the target population for this investigation during the 2024/2025 academic year. A purposive sampling approach was used to draw a sample from the population, with the resulting sample comprising 25 students. The sample was drawn from the lower class, with a total of 25 students. The research instruments consisted of a vocabulary test and a questionnaire. The vocabulary test was designed to assess the students' comprehension of the material, while the questionnaire aimed to gauge their perceptions. The research yielded two key findings: a pretest and a posttest. The results of the statistical analysis revealed that t-test values (21.823 > 2.064) were significantly different before and after the CTL intervention, indicating an improvement in vocabulary acquisition. This finding supports the hypothesis that the CTL method is an effective approach to enhancing vocabulary skills in 8th grade students at SMAN 1 Panai Hilir.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Laila Fitria, Muhammad Yusuf, Harianto II Learning Model Oriented Towards Creative Character in Poetry Text Learning for 10th Grade High School Students2024-07-10T17:26:42+00:00Fufu Fadilahfufufadilah71@gmail.comAbdul Rozakabdurozak58@gmail.comDede Endang<p>This research is entitled "Project-Based Learning Model Oriented Towards Creative Character in Poetry Text Learning for 10th Grade High School Students." Based on the results of research on poetry text learning activities, teachers need to adapt the learning model to effectively implement classroom activities. Therefore, the problem addressed by this research is how to model a creative character-oriented project-based learning approach in teaching poetry texts in 10th-grade high school. The aim of this research is to explain a creative character-oriented project-based learning model for teaching poetry texts. The research method used is Research and Development (RnD). The primary data source comes from expert teachers who validate the Learning Implementation Plan tool. Data collection is conducted by providing a set of question instruments to the validators for assessment. The data analysis technique involves validation analysis and effectiveness analysis, assisted by statistical analysis using Microsoft Excel. The presentation of the collected data includes a narrative description of the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) after validation by the validators. Conclusions are drawn from the validation results based on questionnaire evidence provided by the three validators. At the final stage, after the lesson plan has been validated, it will be concluded and described. The research results showed that the average score before using the project-based learning model (O1) was 79.80. After using the project-based learning model, the score (O2) increased to 87.30. Data based on regression statistical tests using Microsoft Excel show that the p-value is < 0.005, indicating that H0 is accepted. This data explains that with a p-value of 0.868, there is a significant difference in learning outcomes between before and after using the Project-Based Learning Model.</p>2024-07-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fufu Fadilah, Abdul Rozak, Dede Endang Mascita Module of Scientific Writing Materials Based on TPACK for 11th Grade SMA/MA Students2024-07-10T17:27:27+00:00Linda Nurmayalindanurmaya3@gmail.comSuherli Kusmanasuherli333@gmail.comJaja<p>The purpose of this research is to design, validate, and implement digital modules for scientific writing based on TPACK (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) for 11th-grade SMA/MA students. The study uses the Research and Development (R&D) method and follows the ADDIE model, which includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation phases. The development process begins with an analysis of teacher needs, curriculum, and environmental factors. The TPACK-based scientific writing digital module is then validated by experts in material content, digital media, and practical application. The validation results indicate high feasibility, with assessments of 80%, 97%, and 78% from material, media, and practitioner experts, respectively. The structure of the module consists of three main sections: the beginning, content, and end. The beginning includes the cover, foreword, table of contents, glossary, and a draft map. The content section introduces the module’s identity, basic competencies, description, and usage instructions. Each learning activity contains objectives, material descriptions, summaries, practice questions, and self-assessment opportunities. Implementation results show a significant improvement in student learning outcomes. Before using the TPACK-based digital module, the average score was 69.86, which increased to 82.86-83.88 after its implementation. Statistical analysis using paired t-tests confirms the effectiveness of the module. The first t-test shows a value of 13.073 > 1.687 with a significance (2-tailed) of 0.000 < 0.005. The second t-test shows a value of 6.637 > 1.7109 with the same significance level. These results indicate a significant positive impact of the TPACK-based digital module on student learning outcomes. In conclusion, the study demonstrates that the TPACK-based scientific writing digital module is effective and significantly enhances students' learning achievements in scientific writing.</p>2024-07-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Linda Nurmaya, Suherli Kusmana, Jaja Wilsa of Medical Marijuana Use in Legal Perspectiveand Human Rights2024-05-19T13:59:40+00:00Andreas<p>Provisions in Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics regulate that marijuana is included in class one. Marijuana is a narcotic which is categorized as an addictive substance with a very high scale of danger to health. Marijuana is a substance/drug that can cause a decrease or change in consciousness, loss of taste, reduce pain and is addictive (dependence). Marijuana is included in a group that cannot be used in general, but in certain doses and with the permission of the government, in this case the Minister, it can be used for the development of science. Researchers say that Marijuana makes a positive contribution, and is generally safer to consume than drugs other than Marijuana which contain many chemical ingredients, thus causing side effects in the medical world. What is discussed in this research is how the use of marijuana is regulated by law in Indonesia and whether the use of medical marijuana violates human rights in Indonesia. The research method in this writing is normative research, using a statutory approach, case approach and conceptual approach. This research concludes that regulations on the use of marijuana are contained in Law No. 35 of 2009 and the use of medical marijuana does not violate human rights.</p>2024-07-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Andreas Sapta, Jum Anggriani, Eric Stanley Effectiveness of Use of Digital Learning Media on Student Creativity in Citizenship Education Subjects2024-08-07T07:56:29+00:00Minar Trisnawati Tobingminartobing14@gmail.comImelda Sabrina Sibaraniimeldasabrina22@gmail.comZelonika<p>Teachers are actors who really influence the educational process, because they are at the forefront of the teaching and learning process. Teaching and learning activities have several components such as objectives, materials, methods of teaching and learning activities, tools and learning resources. One of the most influential aspects in the teaching and learning process is learning media. With the current technological developments, teachers find it easier with the emergence of various interesting learning media, one of which is Digital Learning Media. There are several problems found in the world of education, especially at the elementary school level in Indonesia, such as the low ability of students to understand concepts, low student learning outcomes and low student motivation to learn. Other problems are also expressed in other research which suggests the use and utilization of learning media in elementary schools. it's still not done optimally.</p>2024-08-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Minar Trisnawati Tobing, Imelda Sabrina Sibarani, Zelonika Butar-Butar Between Brain Size and Language Capacity2024-07-10T17:24:09+00:00Sanris Lawanti Simbolonsantisimbolon28021977@gmail.comRosmawaty<p>The organ in the human body that controls all movements and functions, including language, is the brain. The cerebrum, especially the left hemisphere, is crucial for language activities. The human left brain is a domain that functions as a place of concentration and as a regulator and controller of language abilities. The left hemisphere also appears to be involved in sign language processing, similar to how it is involved in non-signers. The right brain is also involved in complex ways but differently for sign language users. Studies on brain and language continue to develop and have shown significant progress. However, findings sometimes appear inconsistent, particularly regarding the involvement of the right brain in language. Many studies suggest that the second language can sometimes be located in the right brain, though this is not always the case. There may be variables that determine the brain's language localization, but these have not yet been fully identified. One factor may be the age at which the second language is learned, as well as the unique growth and development of each individual.</p>2024-08-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sanris Lawanti Simbolon, Rosmawaty Harahap of Teacher Training: Providing Specialized Training for Teachers to Handle Multilingual Classrooms Effectively2024-07-18T02:17:28+00:00Teguh Satria Sibaraniteguhsatriaamin@gmaill.comSiti Aisah Gintingaisahmuridha@gmail.comRahmad<p>The rapid globalization and increased migration have led to a significant rise in multilingual classrooms. This dynamic presents unique challenges and opportunities in educational settings, necessitating specialized training for teachers. The increasing diversity in classrooms requires teachers to have the necessary skills and knowledge to cater to the needs of multilingual students. The findings and discussions highlight the benefits of specialized training for teachers and its impact on student outcomes. This article examines the implementation of teacher training programs focused on equipping educators with the skills and strategies needed to effectively manage and teach in multilingual environments. The article reviews literature on the challenges faced by teachers in multilingual classrooms and the impact of specialized training on teacher effectiveness. The method section outlines the various training programmes available for teachers and their effectiveness. Drawing on data from recent studies, statistics, and case examples, the paper examines the effectiveness of these training programmes and offers recommendations for future practice. The findings suggest that specialised training significantly improves teachers' ability to manage multilingual classrooms, promotes inclusive education, and enhances student outcomes. The conclusion emphasises the need for ongoing professional development for teachers in multilingual settings.</p>2024-08-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Teguh Satria Amin, Berlin Sibarani Dialects: The Impact of Social Media on Language Evolution And Emerging Forms of Communication2024-07-18T02:29:32+00:00Rini Aisah Gintingaisahmuridha@gmail.comRahmad Satria<p>The advent of social media has profoundly influenced language evolution, introducing novel linguistic trends and emergent forms of communication. This literature review, titled "Digital Dialects: The Impact of Social Media on Language Evolution and Emerging Forms of Communication," explores three primary research problems. First, it investigates how social media contributes to language change. Second, it examines the emergent of new forms of communication. Third, it assesses the positive and negative impacts of social media on language proficiency and literacy. The research aims to analyze the contribution of social media in language change, identifying new forms of communication, and evaluating their impact on language learning and literacy development. Utilizing a documentary design, this study systematically reviews existing literature on the subject, drawing from previous publications to provide a comprehensive overview of the ways in which social media shapes language use. The findings reveal that social media acts as a catalyst for linguistic innovation, while also presenting challenges and opportunities for language proficiency and literacy. This review contributes to a deeper understanding of the dynamic relationship between social media and language, offering insights into the ongoing evolution of communication in the digital age.</p>2024-08-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rini Ekayati, Berlin Sibarani, Siti Aisah Ginting, Rahmad Husein, Teguh Satria Amin and Language Revitalization in Indonesia: A Literature Review of Digital Tools for Preserving Endangered Languages2024-07-18T02:55:44+00:00Meida Rabia Sihitemeidarabia55@gmail.comBerlin<p>This systematic literature review examines specific digital tools such as mobile apps, online dictionaries, and social media platforms, evaluating their implementation and effectiveness in preserving endangered languages in Indonesia. Drawing from an analysis of ten scholarly publications spanning 2019 to 2023, key tools identified include the Android-based Lampung dictionary, "Nusantara in Your Hand" for Javanese and Madurese, and the Muyu-Indonesian-English Dictionary App. These tools engage communities through initiatives like the Balinese Language Digital Dictionary and BASAbali Wiki, utilizing platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and YouTube for cultural preservation. Implementation strategies encompass a variety of mediums: mobile apps tailored for Lampung, Javanese, and Madurese speakers; comprehensive online platforms like the Balinese Language Digital Dictionary and BASAbali Wiki; interactive resources such as; and dynamic social media engagement on WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Utilizing modern technology, these tools document, teach, and sustain regional languages, enhancing accessibility and fostering community engagement. Their effectiveness lies in promoting community involvement, integrating into educational frameworks, and gaining support from governments and local communities, thus playing a crucial role in safeguarding Indonesia's linguistic heritage and cultural identity. In conclusion, digital tools present significant progress in preserving Indonesia's linguistic diversity, requiring strategies that address socio-cultural and technical challenges, prioritize community involvement, foster collaboration across sectors, improve digital infrastructure, and promote sustainable practices to ensure long-term success in language revitalization efforts.</p>2024-08-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Meida Rabia Sihite, Berlin Sibarani English Listening Comprehension Materials Based on YouTube as a Medium for Second-Grade Students of SMAN 2 Teluk<p>One of the initial steps in learning a language is to get accustomed to listening to that language and understanding the meaning and intent of the spoken words. The next step is to follow along, practice, and apply it in everyday life. Listening and reading are considered receptive skills since they involve understanding language without the need to produce it. These skills entail accepting and comprehending language input. The word-guessing method is one of the techniques that can enhance students' speaking and listening skills. This method fosters interactive exchanges, which are highly suitable for improving speaking skills in the learning process. It enables students to enhance their speaking abilities through active participation and engagement.the objective of this research was to knew how effective this method to improved student listening skills. This research was conducted at SMN2Teluk dalam,. The research took place from January to March 2024 during the odd semester of the 2023/2024 academic year. This demonstrated that the development of the listening skill learning material using the youtube by folklore story was highly effective as it significantly improved student achievement. Initially, only 4,76% of students passed this subject, but this increased to 95,23% of students meeting the passing criteria.</p>2024-08-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ridwan English Learning YouTube Channel as a Speaking Skill Learning Media : Case Study of Students’ Perception at University HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar (UHKBPNP)2024-07-18T02:45:35+00:00Irene Adryani Nababanmacherschumy@gmail.comBerlin Sibaranimacherschumy@gmail.comAnita<p>This research aims to investigate the perceptions of first-semester students in the English Education Department at the University of HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar (UHKBPNP) regarding the use of the VOA English Learning YouTube channel as a tool for improving speaking skills, as well as to identify the benefits that students gain from its use. A qualitative descriptive approach was adopted for this study, with questionnaires serving as the primary instrument for data collection. The study population consisted of 38 first-semester students from the PIA1 class in the English Education Department at UHKBPNP. The findings indicated that students held a favorable view of the VOA English Learning YouTube channel as a medium for learning speaking skills. The respondents' positive feedback was based on their personal learning experiences with the channel. They reported that the channel had a beneficial impact on their speaking practice after engaging with the content from the VOA English Learning YouTube channel. Students found the channel both interesting and effective for learning speaking skills. Additionally, the research highlighted several benefits, including an increase in vocabulary and a reduction in the fear of pronouncing words.</p>2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Irene Adryani Nababan, Berlin Sibarani, Anita Sitanggang of the Tracker Tool on the Cessna 172s Throttle Using Simulation2024-07-18T15:56:36+00:00Dimas Endrawan Putradimas.endrawan@gmail.comDaniel Dewanto Khoirul Asri Widiastuti<p>The throttle is a device on the Cessna 172s training aircraft which is used to increase the amount of air used during combustion. To help overcome difficult throttle adjustments, special tools are needed in the form of a tracker. The existence of representative and useful tools to make things easier and save costs is really needed, therefore research to create work aids currently needs to be increased. Tool testing is also very important in knowing the maximum working point of the tracker tool which can determine properties such as shear elastic modulus, torsional yield strength and rupture modulus. The torsion test results consist of two parameters, namely the torsional moment parameter and the shear stress parameter. The tool that has been created in this research will analyze torsional strength using simulation.</p>2024-08-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dimas Endrawan Putra, Daniel Dewanto Rumani, Hadi Prayitno, Muhamad Khoirul Anam, Miftahul Asri Widiastuti Ramadhani of Politeness Theory in Digital Communication: Impacts and Implications for Online Interactions2024-08-17T00:05:07+00:00Suerni<p>The objective of this research is to gather data pertaining to the significance of polite language usage on social media platforms and the influence of impolite language on social media interactions. This research, which focuses on language politeness in social media, employs a qualitative research method that collects data and then analyzes it in a way that produces a complete written work. The source data for this research are obtained from a variety of websites offering related information and a number of published works addressing the same background. The analysis of these diverse sources is an essential component of the research process. The findings presented here are limited to an investigation of social media, polite language, and the potential implications of applying politeness theory in everyday life. The data collected for this study was analyzed and sorted into categories that can be used as material for this research project's writing. From these analyses, it can be concluded that there is a notable influence of polite language in the digital media world and its impact on everyday life. The implementation of politeness in digital language has a positive influence in real life, as observed in this study.</p>2024-08-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suerni Suerni Development of Reading Narrative Text Material Based on Local Folklore of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Sinabang2024-09-01T17:47:58+00:00Intan Mahaliaintanmahalia043@gmail.comAsnawiintanmahalia043@gmail.comYulia Arfantiintanmahalia043@gmail.comHarianto<p>The objective of study is formulated as follows To know the development of reading narrative text material based on local folklore for the eleventh-grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Sinabang and To know the local folklore in English subject material narrative text effectively used to develop reading learning outcomes for the eleventh- grade of SMA Negeri 1 Sinabang. The type of research used is the Research and Development (R&D) research method. The model used is the ADDIE Model. The ADDIE model is an abbreviation for the five stages of the development process, namely analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. The conclusion of this research are the development of Reading Narrative text by using local folklore was sucessed with the average point of assessment 4,51 that mean the development was at Excellent level. Local folklore as a media to learned reading narrative text, proved success by catagory “effective enough” by the percentage of Ngain score at 60,40% of effectiveness</p>2024-09-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Intan Mahalia, Asnawi, Yulia Arfanti, Harianto II Effectiveness of Use of Multimodal Text Teaching Materials on Learning the Indonesian Language in High School 2024-07-12T04:23:35+00:00Septian Firdausfirdausseptian1009@gmail.comKomarudinel.qomar1ks@gmail.comYusida<p>Currently, in the digital era, the use of technology in learning is becoming increasingly more important. Multimodal texts, which combine various modes of communication such as text, images, audio, and video, are used as interesting texts in learning Indonesian. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of using multimodal text teaching materials in Indonesian language learning in high school. This type of research is experimental quantitative research; the approach used is scientific. The data source in this research is Multimodal text teaching materials. The data in this research is in the form of pretest and posttest. Data collection techniques in this research used observation, tests, and documentation. The data analysis used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis and gain index data analysis. The sig value is shown in the data processing results using the independent t-test. (2-tailed) is 0.025<0.05. So Ho is rejected, and Ha is accepted, so there is a significant average difference between the experimental class and the control class. There are findings of multimodal text forms in the e-book module. Multimodal learning is an effective medium used to increase understanding in high school students.</p>2024-09-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Septian Firdaus, Komarudin, Yusida Gloriani Effects of Instructional Approaches and Motivation on Students’ Reading Comprehension at MTS’s Amal Shaleh Simalingkar2024-07-17T04:40:17+00:00Kumala Sarisarik5248@gmail.comYulia<p>Reading comprehension is a fundamental skill that serves as the foundation for effective learning and intellectual growth. GSSR's comprehensive approach extends beyond the classroom, fostering a lifelong appreciation for reading. A significant area of focus in educational psychology is the relationship between motivation and reading comprehension. This relationship has been shown to influence student engagement, perseverance, and, ultimately, academic achievement. The objective of this study was to ascertain whether the GSSR approach is more effective than the non-GSR treatment. Additionally, the study aimed to determine whether students with high levels of motivation demonstrate superior reading comprehension skills compared to those who are less motivated. Finally, the study sought to investigate whether there is a relationship between teaching the GSSR approach versus the conventional approach and the level of motivation on students' reading comprehension. This study employed a quantitative research design. The study was conducted at MTS Amal Saleh. The study sample consisted of 62 students from grades 8A, 8B, and 8C. The data analysis employed descriptive analysis, the Wilcoxon test, and the N-gain Score test. The findings indicated that the GSSR approach was more effective than the conventional method in enhancing students' reading comprehension. The success rate for the former was 55%, while the latter was 81.81%. Additionally, the students' mean scores were 70.25 and 77.75, respectively, for classes 8B and 8C. The enhancement of students' reading comprehension with high motivation yields superior outcomes compared to the improvement of students' reading comprehension with low motivation. This was demonstrated by the fact that the GSSR + Motivation method resulted in a 76.81% increase in the pass rate and a 38.44-point increase in the average score.</p>2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kumala Sari, Yulia Arfanti, Asnawi Effectiveness of the Direct Instruction Learning Model on the Ability of Badminton Basic Techniques at SMA2024-09-03T03:04:39+00:00Abd. Khoiratun Nisaksayidakhoiratunnisak@gmail.comTitik Haryantititikharyanti19@gmail.comMuhammad<p>This study aims to investigate the impact of the direct instruction learning (DI) model on the acquisition of fundamental badminton skills in a secondary education context. Specifically, it seeks to determine whether DI enhances students' understanding and proficiency in badminton techniques at the secondary education level. This study aimed to ascertain the impact of the direct instruction (DI) learning model on the acquisition of basic badminton skills among students in class XI IPA 3 at SMAN 6 Jakarta. The research method employed was that of an experiment with a pretest-posttest design. The sample was selected using purposive sampling, with a total of 33 individuals included. Data collection techniques employed observation of non-badminton basic skills, with an increase based on pretest and posttest data of 46.24%. Parametric analysis was conducted, which demonstrated a significant value of 0.000 in the sign test for the research instrument's basic skills test grids. The data analysis utilized an alpha level of 0.05, indicating that the DI learning model affects learning outcomes.</p>2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Abd. Halim, Apriyanto, Sayida Khoiratun Nisak, Titik Haryanti, Muhammad Rifai the Impact of Technology Integration on Student Engagement and Achievement in Science Khoiratun<p>Exploring the Impact of Technology Integration on Student Engagement and Achievement in Science Education</p>2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suyono, Sayida Khoiratun Nisak, Riyanto, Muhammad Arsyad, Rusliana Development of English Public Speaking Teaching Material Based on Interpersonal Intelligence for Fifth Semester Students of English Education Department of Universitas Muslim Nusantara<p>This research aimed to describe the development, the validity, and the effectiveness of English public speaking based on interpersonal intelligence to overcome the difficulties. The method of this research was mixed qualitative and quantitative description research with test and questionnaire to collect the data. The object of this research was the 5A semester students at University of Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah. This research was carried out for 2 months. During this research the researcher found that public speaking material based on interpersonal intelligence can improve students’ public speaking ability in terms of self- confidence, mastering the topic, delivering the messages or ideas through verbal and non-verbal. The development material will make it easier for lecturer to teach public speaking and also be able to connect well between students and lecturer. Based on the research conducted, the result is the learning tools and the media developed are feasible to be used and applied in the learning process in the classroom with the final validation from material expert 87% and media expert 92,5%. Besides, the effectiveness of the learning method applied in this research shows the results of the calculation is 75% effective</p>2024-09-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Aisyah, Asnawi Weeds on Plantation Coconut Palm (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq) in Institute Technology Palm Indonesia2024-09-05T04:38:42+00:00Muhammad iqbalgalangandi273@gmail.comResty Fadhillahrestyfadhillah25@gmail.comIqbal Bukhoriiqbalbukhorie@gmail.comFerdy Ikhwanferdyikhwan44@gmail.comPoppy Fitriapyftria04@gmail.comKurnainy Tohirkurnainytohir019@gmail.comHabib Handokohabibhandoko89@gmail.comGuntoro Guntoroguntorosukses@gmail.comMakhrani Sarimakhrani.sari13@gmail.comMaisarah<p>Weeds are annoying plants that can harm the main crop, weeds can grow quickly without being desired and also become obstacles to other activity mechanisms on the same land. The research was carried out in the practical garden of the Indonesian Palm Oil Technology Institute (ITSI), namely the Plantation campus, which has supporting facilities in the form of Oil palm plantation with an area of 6 hectares, this oil palm plantation (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) has diverse plant vegetation with a height of 25 meters above sea level. This research focuses on exploring weed diversity in oil palm plantations at the Indonesian Palm Oil Technology Institute (Medan). By using field survey methods and vegetation analysis, the data is presented in qualitative descriptive form. This research reveals the types and distribution of weeds present, providing in-depth insight into the diversity of oil palm plantation ecosystems. The findings of this study show variations in weed vegetation and types that influence ecosystem balance. This research provides an important basis for further understanding of weed dynamics in oil palm plantations, creating a foundation for the development of more appropriate and sustainable management strategies.</p>2024-09-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad iqbal, Resty Fadhillah, Iqbal Bukhori, Ferdy Ikhwan, Poppy Fitria, Kurnainy Tohir, Habib Handoko, Guntoro Guntoro, Makhrani Sari, Maisarah Maisarah, Ingrid Ovie Learning Model Assisted by Graphic Media in Poetry Text Learning for Fourth Grade Elementary School Students2024-08-03T07:27:03+00:00Ita Rositaita.rosita1577@gmail.comAbdul Rozakita.rosita1577@gmail.comDede Endang<p>This research aims to explain the problem-based learning model assisted by graphic media in learning poetry texts for fourth-grade elementary school students, as well as the process of implementing it in learning. The research was conducted in the 2022/2023 Academic Year, Even Semester, at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Zaytun, Sandrem Village, Gantar District, Indramayu Regency, with fourth-grade students in West Java Province. This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) method. The research design used is research and development (Research and Development) with the ADDIE model. The steps/phases of development include: Analysis, Design, Development or Production, Implementation or Delivery, and Evaluation. Data collection methods include interviews, questionnaires, observations, written tests, and performance assessments. The results of the research show that the design of a problem-based learning model assisted by graphic media in learning poetry texts for fourth-grade elementary school students is a new learning model developed from a problem-based learning model associated with graphic media, making learning more meaningful. The assessment results of the learning model design and media use were 70.5%, categorized as suitable for use. The learning media expert assessment results of 80% indicate that the learning media is suitable for use. Meanwhile, based on the results of the implementation of the problem-based learning model assisted by graphic media in learning poetry texts, the assessment results were 38 out of 44, or 86.4%, indicating that the implementation of the learning model was very suitable for use. Based on the data above, it is evident that a problem-based learning model assisted by graphic media in learning poetry texts for fourth-grade elementary school students is highly needed.</p>2024-09-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ita Rosita, Abdul Rozak, Dede Endang Mascita Project-Based Learning to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills in High School Students2024-09-27T23:39:55+00:00Taufik Hudashiopikhuda@gmail.comAbdul Malikshiopikhuda@gmail.comNurani Ai Erlinawatishiopikhuda@gmail.comAndhika Lungguh Percekashiopikhuda@gmail.comYance<p>The objective of this study is to ascertain student responses and enhance their critical thinking abilities through the implementation of project-based learning models at SMA 6 Jakarta. To achieve these objectives, this research was conducted using the qualitative method. This study focused on 19 students at SMA 6 Jakarta. It examined the application of a project-based learning model and related factors, including students' responses, their critical thinking abilities, implementation constraints, and efforts to address these issues. Data were gathered through a combination of methods, including observation, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, document recording, questionnaires, and critical thinking tests. The resulting data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings indicated that implementation of learning at SMA 6 Jakarta using a project-based learning model has led to notable improvements in students' critical thinking abilities. Additionally, the student response to the learning process was largely positive.</p>2024-09-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Taufik Huda, Abdul Malik, Nurani Ai Erlinawati, Andhika Lungguh Perceka, Yance Manoppo Critical Thinking Skills in Mathematics Education: Integrating Problem-Based Learning in Seconday Schools2024-09-27T23:57:31+00:00Baso Intang Khoiratun Nisaksayidakhoiratunnisak@gmail.comAhmad Afandiaafandi832@gmail.comSofiyatul Anshoriyahsofiatulansoriyah@gmail.comMardiati<p>Mathematics has an instrumental function in enhancing the quality of Indonesian citizens. However, as science and technology progress and the digital age intensifies, it has become imperative to modify the mathematical learning paradigm to align it with the demands of the 21st century. The research objectives were to ascertain the following: The study sought to answer three research questions(1) the difference in the improvement of mathematical critical thinking ability of students who are given problem-based learning with students who are given direct learning; (2) the interaction of learning with initial mathematics ability on the improvement of students' mathematical critical thinking ability; (3) the difference in the improvement of learning independence of students who are given problem-based learning with students who are given direct learning. The findings of the study can be summarized as follows: (1) students who received problem-based learning exhibited a greater improvement in their mathematical critical thinking abilities than those who received direct learning; (2) there was no interaction between learning and initial mathematical ability on the improvement of mathematical critical thinking abilities; (3) students who received problem-based learning demonstrated a greater improvement in their learning independence than those who received direct learning.</p>2024-09-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Baso Intang Sappaile, Sayida Khoiratun Nisak, Ahmad Afandi, Sofiyatul Anshoriyah, Mardiati Mardiati Narratives: The Evolution of Storytelling Techniques in the Age of Social Media2024-08-03T07:29:25+00:00Tinur Rahmawati Harahaptinurrahmawati@gmail.comBincar Nasutionbin@ipi-limited.comFauziah Nasutionfauziahnasution05@gmail.comAdek Nilasari<p>This article discusses the evolution of storytelling techniques in the era of social media through the approach of digital storytelling. Digital storytelling is a method of conveying narratives that combines elements of images, text, audio, and video to create a more engaging storytelling experience. This research indicates that digital storytelling can enhance the literacy skills of the younger generation in Indonesia, which faces challenges related to low reading interest. With advancements in information technology and widespread internet access, digital platforms such as vlogs and podcasts can be utilized to introduce stories to young audiences. The research methodology employed is a literature review, gathering data from various relevant sources. The findings suggest that digital storytelling is effective in increasing literacy interest among the younger generation and has the potential to serve as an innovative educational tool. This article aims to provide a deeper understanding of the evolution of digital storytelling within the context of contemporary social media.</p>2024-10-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tinur Rahmawati Harahap, Bincar Nasution, Fauziah Nasution, Adek Nilasari Harahap Preferences on Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Platform in Language Learning2024-06-19T15:41:15+00:00Roswani Siregarroses_air@yahoo.comHeni Subagihartiroses_air@yahoo.comDiah Syafitri Handayaniroses_air@yahoo.comSutarno Sutarnoroses_air@yahoo.comAhmad Laut Hasibuanroses_air@yahoo.comEfendi<p>Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a system that is developed and continues to innovate in various fields with the aim of making human work easier. As the name suggests, artificial intelligence is made to resemble human intelligence and is applied in various fields. Currently Artificial Intelligence technology is also used in the field of education, including teaching foreign languages. This article, which is based on a short field study, aims to find out student references regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in English Language Teaching (ELT) can be seen as both a benefit and a potential threat, depending on how it is used and implemented. On the one hand, AI technology has the potential to make language learning more efficient and effective, by providing personalized feedback and practice exercises tailored to the different student’s needs and learning styles. The research method used to determine this phenomenon is a qualitative descriptive research method with questionnaire data collection techniques by asking questions that can be answered directly by respondents according to their respective answers. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to play an important role in helping students in various tasks in learning English, i.e finding out the the meaning and definition of words, translating sentences, improving grammar, etc with reliable and timely results. However, on the other hand, AI has an impact on student abilities. Students are increasingly dependent on AI assistance in learning, thereby reducing its role in critical thinking and using memory</p>2024-10-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Roswani Siregar, Heni Subagiharti, Diah Syafitri Handayani, Sutarno Sutarno, Ahmad Laut Hasibuan, Efendi Barus Teaching Materials of Logical Thinking - Oriented Exposition Text for X Graders of SMA/MA/SMK2024-09-05T04:39:29+00:00Cucu Maryati Ningsihcucumaryatiningsih@gmail.comSuherli Kusmanacucumaryatiningsih@gmail.comYusida<p>This research aims to develop a logical thinking-oriented exposition digital teaching material product that is feasible and effective for Indonesian Language learning in grade X students of SMA/MA/SMK. This research uses a research and development method (Research and Development) with the ADDIE (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation) model. Data collection in the study was carried out and analyzed descriptively, both quantitative and qualitative. The result of the design and development of this digital teaching material is a digital module in the form of pdf and a Flipbook consisting of a cover, concept map, learning objectives, until author biodata. It also contains materials in videos to practice listening, reading and writing that can be accessed in youtube by scanning the link. The results of product validation by language, material and media validators and practitioners stated that the digital teaching materials of logical thinking-oriented exposition texts for SMA/MA/SMK with a result of 80.79% mean "Feasible" to use. The results of the implementation of digital teaching materials for logical thinking-oriented exposition texts for 63 grade X students at SMAN 1 Gantar, SMAN 1 Gantar and MA Ma'had al-Zaytun, showed that there was a significant development between student learning outcomes before and after the use of digital teaching materials after being assessed using the T-Test (Paired sample Test), meaning "effective" for learning exposition text materials. Thus, digital teaching materials for logical thinking-oriented exposition texts for teachers and students of class X SMA/MA/SMK are feasible and effective in learning.</p>2024-10-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Cucu Maryati Ningsih, Suherli Kusmana, Yusida Gloriani Scientific Approaches in Digital Learning Materials to Improve Spatial Abilities in Cube Geometry: A Research and Development2024-10-09T16:45:31+00:00Putri Tipakaden Guciputritipakaden@gmail.comBudi Halomoan<p>This research aims to determine the level of validity, practicality and effectiveness of digital teaching materials based on a scientific approach, so that they can improve students' spatial abilities in cube material. This type of research is development research with the ADDIE development model. Research instruments in the research include questionnaire validation sheets, lesson plan validation sheets, digital teaching material validation sheets, test instrument validation sheets, spatial ability tests, as well as teacher and student response questionnaires to digital teaching materials. The research results show that: (1) the scientific approach-based digital teaching materials developed have met the validity criteria based on validator assessments with the average validity of digital teaching materials for material being 3.44 and 3.82 for media in the very appropriate category; (2) the scientific approach-based digital teaching materials developed have met the practicality criteria through: a) the results of the student response questionnaire to digital teaching materials show a practicality percentage of 82.75% in the very practical category, b) the results of the teacher response questionnaire to digital teaching materials show practicality percentage 91.67% in the very practical category; (3) The scientific approach-based digital teaching materials developed meet the effective criteria with: a) classical student learning completeness of 90%, b) more than 65% of students have achieved 75% of the learning objectives for each indicator, c) increasing students' spatial abilities After using digital teaching materials, it can be seen from the students' average score increasing from 47.67 in the pretest to 86.50 in the posttest. The results of the N-Gain analysis which shows that students' spatial abilities have increased by 0.725, meaning they are in the high category.</p>2024-10-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Tipakaden Guci, Budi Halomoan Siregar Teaching Materials Explanation Text Critical Thinking for Junior High School/Middle School2024-07-18T15:37:41+00:00Sujalisujaliaag@gmail.comYusida Glorianiglorianiyusida68@gmail.comDede Endang<p>The objective of this research is to develop digital teaching materials for explanatory texts designed for students in junior high school. The following issues represent the primary challenges associated with this research: (1) What is the optimal design of digital teaching materials for critical thinking explanatory texts for junior high school/MTs? (2) What are the outcomes of the implementation of digital teaching materials for critical thinking explanatory texts for junior high school/MTs? This research employs the research and development method (R&D) with the ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation). The research methodology comprises the following steps: analysis of needs, design of digital teaching materials for explanatory text, development of digital teaching materials for explanatory text, implementation of digital teaching materials for explanatory text, and evaluation of digital teaching materials for explanatory text. In this study, data were collected from the results of validation questionnaires completed by experts in learning models, media, and implementation in learning, as well as from the actual implementation of the learning model. The data were subjected to descriptive analysis using the Likert scale and paired sample t-test. The validation test conducted with material experts yielded a score of 3.5, while the test with media experts returned a score of 3.9. The validation test with Indonesian language teachers also produced a score of 3.9. The implementation of digital teaching materials for critical thinking explanatory texts for junior high school/MTs students prompted positive responses from the students, resulting in a score of 3.5. The findings of this study indicate that digital teaching materials for critical thinking explanations for junior high school/MTs students satisfy the criteria for feasibility in terms of their potential use as a learning model by teachers of Indonesian language subjects on explanatory text material for junior high school/MTs class VIII students.</p>2024-10-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sujali, Yusida Gloriani, Dede Endang Mascita Effectiveness of Traditional Game Therapy in Improving Social Skills in Elementary School Students 060952 Medan Labuhan District2024-09-26T06:20:10+00:00Johannes Fitrianiennyfitriani146@gmail.comMuhammadi<p>Social skills are very important for the development of elementary school children. Traditional play therapy offers an alternative method for education that has the potential to improve social skills through group interactions and real-life experiences. This is different from the conventional approach which often centers on academic aspects. The aim of this study was to evaluate how effective traditional play therapy is in improving the social skills of children in elementary school and compare it with more conventional methods. This is the experimental design used for this study with a control group. Children in elementary school are divided into two groups. The experimental group received traditional play therapy, while the control group carried out routine activities. Data was collected through teacher observations, assessments, and social skills questionnaires before and after six weeks of intervention. The results of the analysis showed that, compared with the control group, the experimental group showed significant improvements in social skills. Communication, cooperation and conflict resolution show improvement. These results indicate that traditional play therapy is effective in improving the social skills of elementary school children. According to this research, traditional play therapy can be included in the school curriculum as a tool to improve social skills in a comprehensive and enjoyable way.</p>2024-10-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Johannes Johannes, Enny Fitriani, Muhammadi Muhammadi of Digital Teaching Materials for Short Story Texts Based on Local Wisdom in Middle Schools (Phase D)2024-09-05T04:34:24+00:00Ai Ainul Yaqinainulyaqin335@gmail.comYusida Glorianiglorianiyusida68@gmail.comDede Endang<p>Education must integrate local wisdom to prevent cultural values from fading in the era of globalization. The Merdeka Curriculum supports this with the flexibility to emphasize character education and independence. Digital teaching materials based on local wisdom, such as short story texts, can improve students' reading, writing and cultural understanding skills. The aim of this research is to develop and test digital teaching materials for short story texts based on local wisdom for junior high school students. This research used the ADDIE method with the help of 2 media and language validators as well as 6 students and 3 teachers in testing teaching materials. Data collection techniques were carried out using questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The teaching material design process begins with an analysis of student needs and the curriculum, followed by creating a storyboard and validation by two validators who state that the teaching material is very worthy of being tested. The implementation of local wisdom-based teaching materials shows high effectiveness, with student responses reaching 90% and teacher responses 87%, both in the very good category.</p>2024-10-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ai Ainul Yaqin, Yusida Gloriani, Dede Endang Maschita Teaching Materials for Historical Narrative Texts Oriented to Character Education for SD/MI Students2024-07-12T04:22:41+00:00Muhammad Romi Arjimuhammadromiarji99@gmail.comSuherli Kusmanasuherli2@gmail.comJaja<p>This research aims to develop digital teaching materials for historical narrative texts oriented towards character education for SD/MI students. Background to the problem of this research 1) What is the need for digital teaching materials for historical narrative texts oriented towards character education for SD/MI? 2) How are digital teaching materials for historical narrative texts oriented towards character education for SD/MI? 3) What is the feasibility of digital teaching materials for historical narrative texts oriented towards character education for SD/MI? This research uses research and development methods with the ADDIE (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluate) model. The steps in this research consist of needs analysis, designing digital teaching materials, developing digital teaching materials, implementing digital teaching material products, and product evaluation (digital teaching materials). Data collection in this research was by collecting data from the results of expert validation questionnaires and student assessment questionnaires. The data obtained was analyzed descriptively using a Likert scale. The results of the validation test by material experts obtained a value of 2.93, the validation test by media experts obtained a value of 3.00. The validation test by the Indonesian language teacher received a value of 3.03. The results of implementing e-module teaching materials in schools received a positive response from students with a score of 3.2. The conclusion of this research is that digital historical narrative text teaching materials oriented towards character education for SD/MI students meet the appropriate criteria for use as teaching materials by students or teachers in Indonesian language subjects. Narrative text materials for fifth grade SD/MI students.</p>2024-10-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Romi Arji, Suherli Kusmana, Jaja Wilsa Learning Model for Explanation Text Literacy Using Flipbook Applications in SMP/MTS2024-07-13T16:19:27+00:00Andri Yono Septian Jayaajaya@gmail.comYusida Glorianiajaya@gmail.comRobia<p>This research aims to develop an explanatory text literacy learning model using the flipbook application as media in SMP/MTS. The background to this problem 1) How is the planning for an explanatory text literacy learning model using the flipbook application as a medium in class VIII SMP/MTS? 2) How to implement an explanatory text literacy learning model using the flipbook application as a medium in class VIII SMP/MTS? 3) What is the effectiveness of the explanatory text literacy learning model using the flipbook application as a medium in class VIII SMP/MTS? This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) research and development method with the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model. The steps of this research consist of, needs analysis, learning model design, learning model development, implementation of learning model products, evaluation of learning model products. Data collection in this research was by collecting data from the results of expert validation questionnaires and questionnaires from student assessments. The data obtained was analyzed descriptively using a Likert scale. The results of the validation test by media experts obtained a score of 77.94%, the validation test by language experts obtained a score of 81.25%, the Indonesian language teacher's response score obtained a score of 97.33%, and the average student response obtained a score of 82.13%. The conclusion of this research is that the explanatory text literacy learning model using the flipbook application media in SMP/MTS meets the appropriate criteria to be used as a learning model by students or teachers in Indonesian language subjects with explanatory text material in class VIII SMP/ MTS students.</p>2024-10-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Andri Yono Septian Jaya, Yusida Gloriani, Robia Khaerudin Influence of Learning Styles on the Learning Outcomes of IPS Students Semester II of PGSD Uhkbpnp Study Program2024-10-31T02:58:08+00:00Rio Parsaoran Arasi<p>This study aims to determine the effect of learning styles on the learning outcomes of students of the second semester of the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, UHKBPNP. This study is a quantitative study that is correlational in nature, which involves a variable that is related between one variable and another. Location of the study This research will be conducted at HKBP Nommensen University, PEmatangsiantar on students of the second semester of the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program. The data collection technique used is the Learning Style Questionnaire and Documentation. The data analysis technique uses statistical data with the product moment correlation formula, namely the correlation test used to determine the degree of closeness of the relationship between 2 variables with interval and ratio scales. In testing this prerequisite test, IBM SPSS is used. The results of the calculation of the analysis of variance on the differences in social studies learning outcomes between students who have a visual learning style and an auditory learning style with an average = 76.28 and = 70.35. Based on F <sub>h </sub>= 64.80 and the table value for a= 0.05 with dk (1) it is obtained F <sub>t </sub>= 3.97 so that it can be stated that F <sub>h </sub>(64.80) > F <sub>t </sub>(3.97). Thus the research findings conclude the research hypothesis which states: the learning outcomes of social studies students who have a visual learning style are higher than the learning outcomes of students who have an auditory learning style at a confidence level a= 0.05 has been proven to be true.</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rio Parsaoran Napitupulu, Yanti Arasi Sidabutar Women's Empowerment and Economic Policy Through Development Home Industry ( IRT) in Nagari Sungai Cubadak, Baso District, Agam Regency2024-10-31T02:51:54+00:00Lola Susantilolasusanti18@gmail.comIrwan Irwanirwan7001@gmail.comYendra<p>Focus study in study This is analyze empowerment and policy economy Woman mainland through development Home Industry (IRT) in Nagari Sungai Cubadak , Baso District , Agam Regency . Theories used in research This is theory theory Adoption Innovation proposed by Rogers and Shoemaker (1971). Study This use approach qualitative with the data analysis process using thinking from Miles and Huberman. Data collection methods were carried out in several ways, namely participant observation, interviews and document study. This research focuses on mainland women through the development of Home Industries (IRT). The results of this research show that the form of empowerment carried out by the West Sumatra Province DP3AP2KB Service is providing awareness of the potential of nagari, carrying out technical guidance, forming women's groups through home industries and facilitating the development of home industry products produced. The form of policy carried out by the West Sumatra Province DP3AP2KB Service is planning-based policy, establishing management in developing mainland women's households and implementing mainland women's programs</p>2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Lola Susanti, Irwan Irwan, Yendra Yendra Role of Technology in Promoting Collaborative Learning: Case Studies from Multicultural Classrooms2024-11-01T16:18:03+00:00Mansori Mansorimansoriansori83@gmail.comAbdul Jumriahjumriahriahcha88@gmail.comDini<p>The objective of this research is to examine the potential of technology in facilitating collaborative learning in a multicultural classroom setting at SMP 11 Jakarta. Given the culturally diverse student backgrounds, this research is concerned with the ways in which technology can facilitate enhanced interaction and collaboration among students from different cultural backgrounds. This research employs a qualitative approach utilising a case study methodology to gain comprehensive insights into the experiences and perceptions of students and teachers regarding the utilisation of technology in collaborative learning. The data were gathered via in-depth interviews, classroom observations, and the examination of pertinent documents. The findings demonstrate that technology not only facilitates communication between students but also fosters a more inclusive and collaborative learning environment. However, there are certain challenges associated with the implementation of technology, particularly with regard to students' digital literacy and the disparity in technology infrastructure across different settings.</p>2024-11-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mansori Mansori, Abdul Hadi, Imam Turmudzi, Jumriah Jumriah, Dini Anggraheni Role of Technology in Inclusive Education: Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Countries2024-11-01T16:20:38+00:00Kushariyadi Kushariyadihariyadikus@gmail.comMustofa Permatasariarmitapermatasari0@gmail.comA. Fitrianiandif2721@gmail.comLuluk<p>The objective of inclusive education is to guarantee that every individual, irrespective of physical, intellectual, social or emotional limitations, is provided with equal access to educational opportunities. The advent of technology has led to the emergence of new possibilities for the implementation of inclusive education, particularly in resource-constrained developing countries. However, the implementation of technology in inclusive education in developing countries is confronted with a multitude of challenges, encompassing deficiencies in infrastructure and constraints in educator training. This article seeks to examine the role of technology in inclusive education in developing countries and identify the challenges and opportunities that arise. The research employs a literature review methodology to collate data from pertinent studies and proffer policy recommendations to enhance the role of technology in inclusive education.</p>2024-11-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kushariyadi Kushariyadi, Mustofa Mustofa, Armita Permatasari, A. Fitriani, Luluk Faridah Study: The Influence of Speech Production on Language Acquisition in Children2024-07-10T17:26:03+00:00M. Fakhrurrozy K.rozykudadiri23@gmail.comRosmawaty<p>This research aims to understand the influence of speech production on language acquisition in children. This research uses qualitative methods with documentation and interview techniques to collect data. The research results show that speech production has a significant influence on language acquisition in children. Children who have good speech production skills tend to have better language skills too. This research contributes to the understanding of how speech production influences language acquisition in children. This can help parents, teachers and therapists develop appropriate intervention programs to help children with language learning difficulties.</p>2024-11-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 M. Fakhrurrozy K., Rosmawaty Harahap Speech Act Associated with the Fundamental Kinship Relation in Karo Society2024-11-20T02:22:52+00:00Efendi Barusefendiuisu@gmail.comAhmad Laut Risnawatyrisnawaty.umnaw@gmail.comEmmy<p>This research is intended to analyze about the speech act associated with the fundamental kinship relation in Karo society. The fundamental kinship relation in Karo society is concerned with the Metenget “alertful or paying great attention”, Metami “loving, giving soft words, flattery” and Mehamat “loyal, respectful, honour”. All of these three words must be expressed through words or speech. The method of research is done by using library research or by taking some references from the articles and books. The analysis of this research is found that the speech act which are divided into three, such as locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act are utilized in the three fundamental kinship relations. It is not only in the party, but also every where while they are meeting together between anak beru “sisters or her husband”, senina “brothers or the same clan” and kalimbubu “mother’s brother and his wife”. The conclusion is that the types of the speech acts, such as locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act are very important in the implementation of the three fundamental kinship relations like metenget, metami and mehamat.</p>2024-11-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Efendi Barus, Ahmad Laut Hasibuan, Risnawaty Risnawaty, Emmy Erwina for Narrative Texts Oriented Towards Politeness for SD/MI Student2024-08-03T07:39:38+00:00Saifullahsaifullah342567@gmail.comYusida Glorianiglorianiyusida68@gmail.comDede Endang<p>This research aims to develop a politeness-oriented narrative text e-module for SD/MI students. Background to the problem of this research (1) How is the design of a politeness-oriented narrative text e-module for SD/MI students? (2) What are the results of the implementation of the politeness-oriented narrative text e-module for SD/MI students? This research uses research and development methods with the ADDIE (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluate) model. The steps of this research consist of needs analysis, designing teaching materials (e-module), developing teaching materials (e-module), product implementation (e-module teaching materials), and product evaluation (e-module teaching materials). Data collection in this research was by collecting data from the results of expert validation questionnaires and student assessment questionnaires. The data obtained was analyzed descriptively using a Likert scale. The results of the validation test by the material expert obtained a score of 3.1, the validation test by the media expert obtained a score of 3.4. The validation test by the Indonesian language teacher obtained a score of 3.75. The results of implementing e-module teaching materials in schools received a positive response from students with a score of 3.35. The conclusion of this research is that the language politeness-oriented narrative text e-module for SD/MI students meets the criteria for being very suitable for use as teaching material by students or teachers in Indonesian language subjects as narrative text material for grade VI SD/MI students.</p>2024-11-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Saifullah, Yusida Gloriani, Dede Endang Maschita Survival of Mandailing Angkola Language Ecolexicon in Kuling-Kuling Anca Song Lyrics2024-11-21T01:20:22+00:00Azhary Tambusaiazharytambusai60@gmail.comKhairina<p>This research is a qualitative research that discusses the survival of the Angkola Mandailing language ecolexicon. This research uses the study of ecolinguistics and lexical semantics. This research data is in the form of Kuling-kuling Anca song lyrics. The data were analyzed using the distributional method. The results of this study indicate that the ecolexicon in Kuling-Kuling Anca song lyrics are <em>parahu</em> 'boat', <em>kukang</em> 'loris', <em>pahu</em> 'fern plant', <em>bulu </em>'bamboo tree', and <em>rambutan </em>'rambutan fruit'. These five lexicons still survive in Angkola Mandailing because the song Kuling-Kuling Anca is often played in the Angkola Mandailing area and these lexicons are also still found in the area. From the results of this study, it is known that the introduction of regional lexicons through a song is very effective to preserve the shifting or extinct language lexicon.</p>2024-11-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Azhary Tambusai, Khairina Nasution Cultural-Based Worksheets (LKPD) in Osing Village Culture for Elementary School Geometry Learning2024-07-12T04:55:23+00:00Theo Himmah Pratiwi Dwi<p>The aim of this research is to be able to use it as a learning resource for elementary school mathematics using the Osing traditional house, and also to introduce the Osing traditional house to the community. This research is qualitative research that uses an ethnographic approach, and also collects data by surveying students while building rooms in Osing traditional houses and also interviews with teachers. The school sample was selected based on student ability, namely students with high, medium and low ability. A sample of 8 grade 5 students were involved in this research. After the data was collected, the survey data was analyzed descriptively, and the interview data was analyzed by data collection and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of student perceptions, with the largest percentage, almost all students were able to work on the LKPD questions given by the author.</p>2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Theo Septohadi, Shabilla Desinta, Soraya Himmah Udhmiyah, Setiyani Setiyani, Dina Pratiwi Dwi Santi the Secrets Behind Enumeration Rules: The Art of Combinatorics Thinking2024-11-02T14:02:06+00:00Cahaya Bilkiscahayabilkis32@gmail.comMartinimartini.leo81@gmail.comMuchamad Subali Liliyana Kusuma<p>This research aims to analyze students' combinatorial thinking skills after using learning worksheets on enumeration rules. This research aims to provide solutions by applying learning materials to improve students' combinatorial thinking skills in solving math problems. The research method used is qualitative research. The research technique in this case is to use data triangulation. The purpose of triangulation is to increase the validity and reliability of research findings by confirming or complementing findings from various sources or perspectives. The results in this study are the diversity of the fulfillment of indicators in the ability to think combinatorics, including students with the S-1 category can fulfill all indicators of combinatorics thinking ability. Students in the S-2 category only fulfill 1 indicator of combinatorics thinking ability. Students in the S-3 category could not fulfill all the indicators of combinatorics thinking ability.</p>2024-12-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Cahaya Bilkis, Martini, Muchamad Subali Noto, Irmawati Liliyana Kusuma Dewi of Teaching Materials to Support Merdeka Curriculum Learning on Salt Hydrolysis for Phase F Senior High School2024-10-25T12:19:10+00:00Mardhiyatul<p>This aims of this research is to develop teaching materials that incorporate multiple representations of chemistry concepts, especially on the salt hydrolysis topic, to support the Merdeka Curriculum and improve students' mental models in the F phase of high school. Educational Research Development (EDR) is the method chosen, using Plomp’s development model. The subject are three UNP chemistry lecturers, two chemistry teachers and nine SMAN 8 Padang students. The developed teaching material have been validated with a construct validity value of 0.89 which is classified as valid and. Then it has also been tested for practicality with a score of 96% from teachers and 94% from students, this shows that the development teaching materials are very practical, which indicates their ease of use and application in an educational environment. It concludes, that the developed teaching materials are for the topic of salt hydrolysis, which incorporate a comprehensive range of chemical representations proven to be valid and highly practical can effectively assist students in building mental models and improving their understanding of chemical concepts and support the goals of the Merdeka Curriculum in fostering deeper student understanding.</p>2024-12-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mardhiyatul Khairat, Mawardi, Okta Suryani, Reza Akmar as Transformative Ideology: An Ethnomusicological Approach to the Song Hai Tanahku Papua at GKI in Papua Land2024-12-04T17:00:59+00:00Oskar Ayub Wompereoskarwompere2018@gmail.comYusak Setyawanoskarwompere2018@gmail.comIzak Y.M. Lattuoskarwompere2018@gmail.comAgastya Rama<p>The purpose of this research is to analyze nyayian as a transformative ideology that focuses on the ideas of the song Hai Tanahku Papua. The song can be an ideological song that can lead listeners to experience life as Papuan people. The research method used in this study is qualitative research with descriptive analysis using<em>Ethnomusicological Approach</em>with data collection techniques using observation, interview and documentation methods on Papuan people who live in the GKI Tanah Papua church. From the results of the study, the author found that singing is one of the transformative ideologies of Papuan people in living life as a society.The ideology conveyed through songs with theological nuances for Papuans is a warning and message in the form of loyalty, obedience and listening to God which can determine success in the land of Papua. Ethnomusicology must enter to be able to provide the right answer through cultural and musical solutions from different perspectives while bridging renewal for social justice for all Indonesian people on the land of Papua.</p>2024-12-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Oskar Ayub Wompere, Yusak Setyawan, Izak Y.M. Lattu, Agastya Rama Listya of the Law on the Role of Prosecutors as Corruption Crime Investigation Officers2024-10-31T02:55:44+00:00Alendra<p>Corruption is a reality of human conduct in social interactions, considered to be deviating and endangering society and the state. The research conducted is normative-legal, that is, research that uses law as a basis for solving the problems posed, and empirical-legal research through the conduct of interviews. The data used is secondary data and the data collection methods used in this study are library surveys and field surveys. The analysis of data used is qualitative data. Based on the findings, it is believed that the Anti-Corruption Commission can only investigate cases of corruption offenses that have affected state apparatus and have resulted in state financial losses of at least billion rupiah, for this reason the role of prosecutors as investigators in criminal cases is required. Corruption that does not meet the requirements for investigation by the Anti-Corruption Commission. Legal and Non-Judicial Constraints Are Limiting Factors in Corruption Crimes Investigations</p>2024-12-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Alendra Alendra Development of Writing Materials Based on Learning Strategy in Enhancing Student Writing Achievement at SD IT Bunayya Tangerang in 2021/2022 Academic Year2023-05-01T06:43:39+00:00Zuly Amdanizulyandani@gmail.comAhmad Laut<p>The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between reading habits and the ability to write in English.The tests were pre-test and post-test. To analyze the qualitative data, the researcher used interactive data analysis models. For the quantitative data, the researcher analyzed the mean scores of the tests to compare differences between pre-test and post-test. The results of the research show that teaching writing skills by using pictures could improve the students' writing skills and the class condition.The method used in this study is a descriptive method with correlation analysis techniques. The population of this study was all V grade students of SDIT Bunayya Tangerang academic year 2021-2022, totaling 23 students who were used as samples. The instruments used in data collection are questionnaires, objective tests and essay tests. Questionnaires are used to get data about students' reading habits, objective tests are used to get data about creative thinking skills and essay tests are used to get data about the ability to write in English subject of students.</p>2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Zuly Amdani, Ahmad Laut Hasibuan of the Attitudes of Students Studying in the Department of Special Education Teaching towards Childhood Epilepsies2024-11-28T11:14:35+00:00Çiğdem Müge Haylı Chungschung@amc.seoul.krRamazan Karataş Demir KöÖzlem<p>It was conducted as a descriptive study to examine the attitudes of students studying in the special education teaching department towards childhood epilepsy. This research is descriptive and descriptive in nature. The data required for the research was collected between 01 June 2024 and 31 July 2024. The study group consisted of 328 students studying in special education teaching. Sociodemographic and Epilepsy Questionnaire data collection form and Social Attitudes Towards Childhood Epilepsy Scale (SATCES) were used with the online survey method in nurses working in the students studying in the special education teaching department by convenience sampling method from non-probability sampling methods who voluntarily participated in the collection of research data and filled out the informed consent form. SPSS 26.0 data analysis program was used in analysis of the data was carried out by sample t-test and ANOVA independent of paramedic statistical tecniques. It was determined that 71.1% of the participants were female and 24.1% were male. 52.4% of them were students of special education teaching department. A large proportion of the participants (47.3%) were second year students. According to the mean scores obtained, the attitudes of the students studying in special education teaching towards childhood epilepsy were found to be high and significant. It was found that there were significant differences between the attitudes of the students studying in special education teacher education towards childhood epilepsy and other sociodemographic descriptive information except for the variable in the age group (p<0.05). It was concluded that the attitudes of students studying in the special education teaching department towards childhood epilepsy differed significantly when examined in terms of certain socio-demographic variables. It can be suggested that students studying in special education teaching should be required to conduct academic studies to raise social awareness about children with epilepsy.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Çiğdem Müge Haylı, Seockhoon Chung, Ramazan Karataş, Dilek Demir Kösem, Özlem Karay' Perception in Learning Mathematics Using Quizizz2024-12-04T15:57:41+00:00Sri Winarsiharsyaibrahim2@gmail.comNur komalasarinurkomalasari637@gmail.comAnggita Subali<p>Mathematics is a subject that has its challenges. This challenge is related to the negative perception of mathematics learning, which is considered complex and saturated. Quizizz is one of the defense media that is considered exciting and fun. This study aims to determine the perception of Madrasah Aliyah (MA) students towards mathematics learning using the Quizizz application. The research method used in this study is quantitative descriptive using a questionnaire consisting of 30 statements. The respondents to this study are 30 MA Al Zaytun Indramayu students who have used Quizizz in mathematics learning in the even semester of the 2023-2024 Academic Year. The study results show that the use of Quizizz in mathematics learning, in general, can be positively received by students. Students feel more motivated to learn, engage, and understand the material better when using the Quizizz app. However, there are several challenges, such as difficulties in understanding the material and time pressure in working on problems some students feel. Overall, Quizizz is considered an effective tool for improving students' learning outcomes and interest in math, with the note that its implementation should be tailored to the needs of students.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Winarsih, Nur komalasari, Anggita Maharani, Muchammad Subali Noto