Journal of Science Technology (JoSTec) 2025-02-26T07:33:52+00:00 Journal of Science Technology (JoSTec) Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Science Technology (JoSTec), <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">e-ISSN: 2830-7275</a> provides a forum for publishing the original research articles from contributors related to embedded system and control, processor and IC design, network and infrastructure, and computing algorithms. The scope of JoSTec starting from Volume 1 (2019) is as follows: embedded system based on microcomputer/microcontroller; algorithms and artificial intelligence; robotics; control systems; computer vision and pattern recognition; computer networks and security; processor and ASIC design; programable devices based on HDL and IP Core; high-performance computing (HPC); sensor network and IoT; distributed systems; cloud computing, and mobile computing. JoSTec starting June 30 2023 will be published in 2 issues, namely in June and December.</p> Design of an Artificial Intelligence Based Recommendation System to Improve User Experience On E-Commerce Platforms 2024-07-16T05:22:18+00:00 Afrizal Zein <table width="579.0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td valign="top"> <p>The objective of this research is to explore the design and development of an artificial intelligence-based recommendation system to enhance user experience on e-commerce platforms. The research methodology employed is qualitative research, a method used to gain in-depth understanding of social phenomena. The chosen type of research is a literature review, where in the researcher collects, studies, and analyzes written references or sources such as books, journals, articles, documents, and other significant sources of information related to the researched topic or title. Subsequently, the researcher analyzes and draws conclusions to find answers to the research questions. The research findings indicate that the development of an artificial intelligence-based recommendation system for improving user experience on e-commerce platforms is a relevant and pressing step. By comprehending various aspects discussed in the literature, the researcher can design a system that is not only accurate and efficient but also ethical, secure, and aligned with user needs. For future researchers, further studies are needed, and practical implementation steps will be crucial to translate literature findings into tangible solutions that can enhance the e-commerce landscape in the future.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Afrizal Zein Analysis of Production Results of Clear Coffee Streamer Machines 2024-10-08T03:30:15+00:00 Megandhi Gusti Wardhana Adi Pratama Putra Charis Fathul Hadi Muhamad Khoirul Anam <p>Indonesia is the fourth coffee producer in the world after Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia. However, in the 2018-2021 period, the value of Indonesian coffee exports experienced a decline, which was in line with the low volume of Indonesian coffee exports in that year compared to the previous period, so that Indonesia's position fell from fourth to fifth as a coffee exporting country in the world. These various things could be due to the lack of downstream processing in coffee processing in Indonesia. The current problem is that there is no tool for the process of separating coffee into clear coffee, this tool is available abroad and the price is quite expensive. This research tries to make a clear coffee streamer and analyzes the production results of a clear coffee streamer. The results of the design of a clear coffee streamer tool using stainless steel material can be used with a capacity of 20 liters and a maximum heating temperature of 100<sup>o</sup>C, while testing the production capacity of the clear coffee streamer tool produces data using a material volume of 1500 ml resulting in a production volume of 850 ml in a time of 75 minutes. Meanwhile, using a volume of 200 ml of material produces 950 ml with a time of 75 minutes.</p> 2024-10-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Megandhi Gusti Wardhana, Adi Pratama Putra, Charis Fathul Hadi, Muhamad Khoirul Anam Analysis of Damage to Abdul Haris Nasution Road Section from STA 4+400 to STA 8+700, Batu Nadua District, Padangsidimpuan City 2024-10-24T17:31:04+00:00 Ramot Simanullang Ahmad Rafii Rizky Febriani Pohan <p><em>Highways are one of the most important land transportation infrastructures, so good road pavement design is a must. Good road pavement is also expected to provide a sense of safety and comfort in driving, especially affect the smooth flow of traffic. One of the causes of road damage is the lack of maintenance costs which results in a decrease in the quality of implementation. The rapid growth of vehicles has an impact on traffic density, both on inner-city and outer-city roads, so that it is necessary to improve the quality and quantity of road infrastructure. The goal to be achieved in writing the results of this thesis is to find out what types and percentages of damage occurred Abdul Haris Nasution Road Section and maintenance handling and knowing the thickness of the pavement layer required Abdul Haris Nasution Road Section. Road damage is analyzed using the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual Method while flexible pavement thickness planning is adjusted to the Component Analysis Method with a design life of 20 years. From the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that: the types of damage that occur on Jalan Abdul Haris Nasution consist of 2 types, namely: crocodile skin cracks of 10.47% and holes of 6.53%. The percentage value of damage is 17.00%, so the damage category is included in the slight due to the length of the span being reviewed as quite long and the maintenance handling is increasing. The thickness of the pavement layer required on Jalan Abdul Haris Nasution, namely: surface layer 15 cm, upper foundation layer 20 cm and lower foundation layer 10.00 cm.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ramot Simanullang, Ahmad Rafii, Rizky Febriani Pohan Use Deep Learning for Processing Automation Image DR in Detecting Pneumothorax 2025-02-26T07:33:52+00:00 Mirfauddin Mirfauddin <p class="s20"><span class="s12">Pneumothorax is condition medical serious thing that happened consequence accumulation air in the pleural cavity, which can cause the collapse lungs and potentially threaten soul If No quick handled. A quick and accurate diagnosis is essential. For determine action proper medical. Digital radiography (DR) is one of the method the most common imaging used in detect pneumothorax. However, the limitations in manual interpretation by manpower medical can cause misdiagnosis or​ delay in handling. S</span><span class="s12">tudy This propose approach based on Deep Learning, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), for automation processing DR image in detect pneumothorax. The model used utilise ResNet-50 and DenseNet-121 architectures with transfer learning techniques for increase accuracy classification. The data used originate from the ChestX-ray14 and SIIM-ACR Pneumothorax Challenge datasets that have been annotated by experts radiology. </span><span class="s12">Research result show that the CNN model was developed reach level accuracy of 92%, with a precision of 90%, a recall of 93%, and an F1-score of 91%. In addition, the technique Grad-CAM visualization is used For increase interpretability of the model with highlight important areas in the image that becomes base decision classification. Implementation of this model No only increase efficiency of pneumothorax diagnosis but can also reduce burden Work power medical as well as increase quality service health . With promising results , research​ This open opportunity For development more carry on in application of AI in the field radiology.</span></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mirfauddin Mirfauddin