Repository Policy

In response to the evolving nature of scholarly exchange and communications, the International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) has established the following policy regarding authors’ deposit of their International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) journal contributions (including articles, reviews, notes, etc.) in their chosen/preferred repositories.


[These definitions are based on those on the SHERPA/RoMEO website].

This policy applies to pre-prints, post-prints, and the publisher’s version of the articles. 

A pre-print is a work-in-process: a contribution not yet accepted, or perhaps even submitted, to the journal, that prospective authors make available for comments and criticism from others.
A post-print is the version of the author's contribution after peer review and accepted for publication, with revisions having been made.

The publisher’s version is the PDF file of the authors' contribution as it appears in the journal.


International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) Journal encourages authors to post preprints and post-prints of their contributions in temporary locations, such as personal websites, or other public repository servers until the publisher’s version is available.

Authors may post publisher’s versions of their contributions to the repository of their home institution or other preferred repositories as soon as those versions are available. When posting a publisher’s version, authors must include the following notation:

Published as [provide the complete bibliographic citation as it appears in the print version of the International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) journal] with the link to the article's URLs or DOI.


Authors must adhere to the This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. in depositing the pre-prints, post-prints, and the publisher’s version.