Analysis of the Effect of Service Quality on Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty
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This research aims to provide an analysis of the influence of service quality which is correlated with customer satisfaction and loyalty. The influence of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty has a very important role in customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. This research was conducted at Warmindo Maharasa, Yogyakarta which has a population of all Warmindo customers who have visited with a population sample with a total of around 100 respondents. The calculation of the number of indicators will be multiplied by 5 to 10. The data collection process was carried out using a questionnaire method and also a Likert scale as a way of measuring the 21 indicators contained in the 3 research variables. The data analysis technique in this research uses path analysis. The results of this research show that service quality has a positive and significant influence on customer loyalty. Likewise, service quality has a positive and significant role in customer satisfaction. Then customer satisfaction presents a positive and significant element in customer loyalty. The results of this research also show that customer satisfaction influences service quality on customer loyalty.
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