Reviewer Team
Carol J. Gilles, B.A.,M.Ed.,P.hD, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA. SCOPUS, Google Scholar.
Prof. Dr. Adam Balcerzak, Uniwersytet Szczecinski, Poland, SCOPUS
Prof. Dr. Rasidah Binti Mohamed, Dean Faculty of Nursing, PICOMS International University Collage, Malaysia. Google Scholar
Rahmah Juliani Siregar, MKM, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Darmais Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia. SINTA, Google Scholar.
Atika Aini Nasution, SE.,MM., Universitas Battuta, Medan, Indonesia. SINTA, Google Scholar
Ferawati Artauli Hasibuan, S.Pd., M.Sc,. Lecture Education and Physics, Universitas Graha Nusantara, Indonesia. SCOPUS, SINTA, Google Scholar