Glasser-Based Poetry Writing Training for Private Junior High School Students RK Star East Management


  • Mery Chris Isabella Saragih Efarina University


Glasser-Based Poetry, Writing, Training for Private


The problem faced by students in writing poetry is less poetic. Original student write poetry regardless of its visual form: typography, stanza arrangement, diction, and style language. This can be seen from the results of poetry written by students, which do not have poetic power. Student not enough imaginative, intuitive, and not enough think synthetic. In side that system the learning is oriented on the teacher. Based on these problems, students need to be encouraged by learning methods interesting in writing poetry. One of the best ways is to use Glasser's learning model, namely learning which done by utilizing environmental object as a learning medium. Glasser's model is "Learning" which This is done by directly seeing or using the object according to the material lessons and learning objectives”. Especially with the current uncertain condition of Covid-19 when it ends, then the learning model is efficiently carried out online with an application Zoom if plague the not yet ends later. So with a community service entitled "Poetry Writing Training" Glasser-Based on Private Middle School Students RK Bintang Timur Pematangsiantar” is expected student more skilled and creative in in writing poetry.


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How to Cite

Mery Chris Isabella Saragih. (2020). Glasser-Based Poetry Writing Training for Private Junior High School Students RK Star East Management. IJCS: International Journal of Community Service, 1(Special Issues December), 103–110.