Cultivating Change: A Community-driven Approach to Organic Waste in Padukuhan Nglebeng
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Household waste is the main contributor to organic waste. Improper management of organic waste can have negative environmental consequences. In Padukuhan Nglebeng, the lack of knowledge among the community, especially housewives, about the dangers and benefits of household waste has led to the accumulation of unprocessed waste in disposal sites. To address this issue, an outreach program was conducted, focusing on enhancing the community's understanding and awareness of the environmental impact of organic waste. The program included four stages: observation, socialization, practical application, and evaluation. Initially, the participants had limited knowledge about organic waste, scoring an average of 63% in the "insufficient" category. However, after the socialization session, their knowledge significantly improved, particularly regarding the dangers and benefits of organic waste, composting, and the composting process. Among the participants, 56% showed interest in implementing the acquired knowledge, while 44% still had concerns related to complexity and aversion. The socialization activities were successful overall. It is recommended to replicate this composting method in different locations to achieve the "Bantul Zero Waste 2025" initiative.
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